Princess Vanilla is an unused character from Harvest Moon 64. Not much is known about her besides her sprite and some translated dialogues.
According to the dialogue, her story goes as follows:
"Princess Vanilla was turned into a turtle, kidnapped from Prune Kingdom in Flower Country by a mole, and was going to be forced to marry a frog. The player finds the princess after she had been talking to the Harvest Sprites. If he chooses to pick her up, he will become a turtle as well. After this, he can wander around and talk to the villagers so they can react to him. Eventually, possibly from the bachelorette the player has the highest affection with, he returns to normal, and proceeds to turn the princess back as well. From then on, Princess Vanilla stays in Flowerbud as a regular character."
After this, there are some dialogues between her and other characters. Princess Vanilla asks the player if a specific girl is prettier and becomes upset if she is not chosen. It is unknown why she was scrapped from the game.