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Raeger (レーガ, Rēga) is a character in Story of Seasons. He is one of the eligible bachelors to court.

Raeger is a serious chef who inherited the restaurant in Oak Tree Town from his Grandfather who passed away a little while ago. Wanting to respect his grandpa's craft, Raeger tries his hardest to run the restaurant in a similar manner that his Grandpa did, and strives to be innovative by creating new types of recipes as much as he can. Usually he will offer different dishes depending on the season, and will reward the player with new recipes if they come to eat there frequently. To receive all of his recipes you would have to eat there at least 129 times[1], and each time stamina will be replenished depending on the price of the dish.

Since he is serious about his work Raeger doesn't like serving people incomplete dishes, and will often put his work before his health. He dislikes slacking off, and tries his best to be hardworking.


  • : 普段、食事はちゃんと取ってるのか?一日三食は基本だぞ。…で、たまにはうちのレストランで外食ってのもいいんじゃないかな。
  • :この間、クラウスさんからレコードをもらったんだ。もう手に入らないやつだったからうれしくて何度も回しちゃったよ。せっかくだから、店の方でも流そうかな。
  • : 料理の準備なんかがあるから毎朝早起きしないといけないんだけど、どうにも朝には弱くてさ…。クセはついてるから休みの日でも起きはするんだけど、しばらくぼーっとするのだけは直せないんだよな。
  • :フリッツって、本当に人なつっこいやつだよな。ついでに、運がないしお人よしでソンな性格。…けど、そこがアイツのいいところでにくめないとこだと思う。人によってはうっとうしく感じることもあるかもしれないが、悪いやつじゃないから仲良くしてやってくれよな。
  • :オレの腕って、どうしても小さな町のレストランの味程度で止まってると思うんだよな。だからいつかは、町の外に出て世界中の料理についての知識や腕をもっとみがけたらって思ってるんだ。
  • : オレは、小さい頃にじいさんに引き取られてこの町に来たんだ。じいさんは、もういないけど…じいさんの残してくれた店とレシピはオレがしっかり受けついでいくつもりだよ。
  • : (主人公)って話しやすいやつだよな。一緒にいると肩の力が抜けるっていうかなんか、ホッとする。

  • White: Are you eating enough? You should eat three square meals a day, you know. ...Maybe even from my restaurant! Hint, hint...
  • Purple: Klaus gave me an old vinyl record the other day. Hard to find things like that anymore, so I was really excited to play it. Maybe I should bring it into the restaurant sometime.
  • Blue: I have to wake up early every morning to prepare food...but I'm not a morning person in the slightest. I've conditioned myself to do it, but I think it's worked a little too well. I wake up early even when I don't have to, and just space out.
  • Green: Fritz is one friendly guy, huh? Maybe a little too friendly! And unlucky as can be. But that's part of what makes him such a character! Some people find him to be kind of annoying, but he really is a good man. I hope you and he can become fast friends.
  • Yellow: My cooking skills have been pretty stagnant ever since I first opened the restaurant. Someday, I hope to travel the globe to learn all about foreign cuisines and techniques so I can make my menu even better.
  • Orange: When I was small, I came here to live with my grandfather. I was his foster kid, more or less. He's not around anymore, but I keep his memory alive through his recipes and his restaurant. He entrusted all that to me, and I won't let him down.
  • Red: You sure are easy to talk to. Whenever I'm with you, I just feel so at ease...

Heart Events

Grey Heart Event

Cake Impressions (ケーキの感想, Keeki no Kansou)

  • 5000 or more affection of the Reager.
  • hero is not going out with anyone.


  • Monday-Tuesday
  • Thursday-Saturday / 14:00 to 17:00


  • Restaurant


  • Sunny

Reager: Oh, player. You came to the right place. I've prepared a new kind of cake. Won't you try it? Here.

So? How is it?

  • Its delicious! (Bad answer) -1000 FP

Reager: Really? Thank goodness!

Oh, crap...

Sorry, I forgot to add the lemon sauce...

It might be good as it is, but it's better with the lemon sauce.

Well, I guess it can't be helped. Sorry for making you eat the unfinished cake. You can try the finished cake next time. I'm happy you said it was delicious. Thank you, player.

  • I'd like some lemon... (Good answer) +2000 FP

Reager: ...hmm? Oops! Sorry, I forgot to add the lemon sauce! Here, I'll go get some. Just a second.


Reager: It's really delicious? That's good to hear. It's was good before, but adding the lemon's sourness brings out a flavour. But how did you notice that? Player, are you some sort of cooking genius? I'm happy to talk to people who understand good taste. Player, I'm glad I let you sample it. Thank you!

Purple Heart Event

Reager Cold (レーガの風邪, Reega no Kaze)

  • Hero is not going out with anyone.


  • Monday-Tuesday
  • Thursday-Saturday/18:00 to 21:00


  • Restaurant


  • Sunny

Reager: O-oh, welcome. Sorry, I'm a little dizzy...

No, I'm fine. I'll be better soon. Anyway, what would you like to eat today?

Got it. Fried rice. A moment, please.


Rega: Sorry for keeping you waiting.

...Huh!? It was fried rice, not curry! I'm sorry! I'll remake it right away!

...I'm fine. Please wait a second.

  • Take a break for today. (Bad answer) -2000 FP

Reager: No, it's unprofessional to close the shop when your not well. It's not that long until we're closing, and then I'll take the medicine.

N-no, some customers with reservations are actually coming soon....

W-wait a second, player! I understand that you're worried about me, but with things regarding work, I want to serve food.

I'm sorry, but I'm still grateful. Thank you, player.

NPC: Excuuuuse me! My order's ready!

Reager: Oh, yes. I'm home! Well then, player. Please sit down and I'll get your rice.

  • I can't do it? (Good answer) +3000 FP

Reager: No. I'm grateful, but I can't go to my customers for help..

NPC: Excuuuuse me! I'm ready to order!

Reager: Oh, yes. I'm home! ....Hm..

...I would surely trouble the customers in this state... I'm sorry, but is it okay if I take up your offer? Can you watch the dining area for me?

Thank you, player.

Phew. That was the last customer. With your help, I was able to stay open until closing time. Really, you saved me.

Player, If there's anything I


...Huh? I'm...?


Oh, I must have collapsed after that... Sorry for making you worry.

You stuck around for all that time?

Is that so... Thank you.

Come to think of it...

It's been a long time since someone's stuck around when I'm sick...

My parents, when I was little, divorced. I came to live here with my grandfather on my mother's side.

My mother and grandfather were always busy with work, so, when I was sick, they didn't watch me.

I didn't say anything, though, because I didn't want to bother them. So, It's been a while since someone's been worried about me or stuck around with me while I've been sick. It's make me... pretty happy.

...uh, I'm sorry; bothering you with this sudden chat. This sickness must have made me weak.

At any rate, I'm sorry for troubling you today. I'll have to repay you sometime.


Is it okay....for me to request one more thing?

I want you to stay with me... a little longer. I'm not quite back to normal yet. Before I prepare for tomorrow, I want to rest a little more. Just until then.

...Thank you, player.

Player's Confession (主人公の告白)

Reager Confession (レーガの告白)

Player's Confession (主人公の告白)

Yellow Heart Event

Reager Meal レーガの食事

Reager: Hm? what are you doing, player? Perhaps you came to visit me? What am I doing? I'm just making some rice. I'm being fussy because I'm haven't eaten yet.

  • Can I?(Good answer) +2000 FP

Reager: 「Eh, seriously? Great! Well then, I'll leave it to you. I'm looking forward to trying your cooking!


Woah、you're really good at using your hands. Come to think of it, this is the first time I've had a girlfriend's cooking. Peole usually don't server amateur meals to pro chefs! って作ってくんなくてさ。」 that is, Just in case they're terrible... 「自分のために愛情こめて作ってくれた料理を、素人料理だとかそんなふうに思ったりするわけないのにな。」 「あ、そんな気負わなくていいって。」 「てか、オレ今(主人公)がオレのために料理を作ってくれてるってだけでめちゃくちゃ舞い上がってんだから。」 「今からやっぱナシってのだけはカンベンな。」


Bon appétit! This is delicious! And I'm not just saying that because I'm your boyfriend, this is good enough for a restaurant! Player, you're soo talented! If you quit being a farmer, would you become a chef?

Ahaha! I'm just joking!

I know that you love your work and have no intention of quitting.

Though, I also think it would be really fun to run a restaurant with you.

(After meal)

Aa, that was great! Thank you for treating me! Player, thank you for cooking. 機会があったらまた作ってくれよな。」 Ah, Player. It's pretty late, huh? It pains me to hear you say goodbye,

「せっかくきたんだしこれでさよならってのもさみしいから上でちょっと話でもしようぜ。」 Alright. So, let's go.

  • わたしの分もよろしく! N/A FP

Reager: 「Haha, you can be quite cheeky. That's fine. Just sit there and wait.


「口にあったなら良かった。Next time, it would make me happy if you made me food.

    • No way!(Bad answer) -2000 FP

Reager: That was...rather blunt. Do you just not want a chef to try your cooking? I understand. Well, it's fine.

(Pause) Alright, オレはこれから用事があるから。See ya, player.

(Player returns home)

No way, huh? 「言われなれてるとはいえ(主人公)に言われるとさすがにちょっと傷つくな…。」

    • Leave it to me!(Good answer) +1500 FP

Reager: Eh, seriously? No, オレ実は今まで恋人に飯作ってもらったりしたことなくてさ。」 「プロのシェフの前で料理なんかできないっていっつも断られるんだよな。So, I was a little suprised at your reply. Alright, it's a promise! I look forward to it.

Peach Heart Event

The Popular Boyfriend モテモテの彼

The Popular Boyfriend (モテモテの彼, Motemote no Kare)

  • Hero is dating Reager.


  • Monday-Tuesday
  • Thursday-Sunday / 11:00 to 21:00


  • Restaurant


  • Sunny

So the crowd is more important to you. [お客さんは大事だよね](-500)
...I want you to look after me more. […もっとかまってほしい] (+3000)
I think you're very popular. [モテモテだなと思って] (-1500)
…… (+500)

Player's Proposal 主人公のプロポーズ

Reager Proposal

Hero's Proposal


  • Simple Plan (シンプルプラン) 100000G

1000 Friendship level of all participants

  • Deluxe Plan (スーパープラン) 500000G

1500 Friendship of the all participants

  • Luxury Plan (ゴージャスプラン) 1000000G

2000 Friendship of the all participants

