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This article is about Rock, a character from Harvest Moon: DS and Harvest Moon DS: Cute. You may be looking for Rock, a character from A Wonderful Life.

Rock (ロミオ Romio? lit. Romeo) is a character in Harvest Moon DS and Harvest Moon DS: CuteHe is one of the eligible bachelors available to court in Cute.

Rock sees himself as a fun loving and popular guy who is good with the ladies. He is very laid back and doesn't take much seriously. He lives at the Inner Inn with his mother Ruby, although you won't see him helping her out with any of the chores. He is proudly unemployed and spends most of his time wandering the valley. His close childhood friend Lumina will be your rival for his affection.

Rock spends most of the day out in the valley. He goes for a walk to the spring or can be found at the beach during the day. In the evenings, he can be seen at the Blue Bar or goes back to the Inn. If Rock marries Lumina, he moves in to the mansion with her. 


Tuesday (All Weather)
6am - 10am Inside Inn
10am - 11:40am Walking to Spring
11:40am - 5pm Standing at Spring
5pm - 7pm Walking to Blue Bar
7pm - 10pm Inside Blue Bar
10:20pm - 6am Inside Inn
Tuesdays (All Weather)

*When married to Lumina ONLY

6am - 8am Inside Mansion
8am - 10:40am Walking to Spring
10:40am - 5pm Standing at Spring
5pm - 7pm Walking to Blue Bar
7pm - 10pm Inside Blue Bar
10pm - 11:20pm Walking to Mansion
11:20pm - 6am Inside Mansion
Wednesday - Monday (All Weather)
Wednesday - Monday (All Weather)

*When married to Lumina ONLY

6am - 8am Inside Mansion
8am - 10am Walking to Beach
10am - 5pm Beach
5pm - 6:20pm Walking to Inn
6:20pm - 10pm Inside Inn
 10pm - 11:20pm Walking to Mansion
11:20pm - 6am Inside Mansion


Gift Preferences  
Special Cheese Fondue
Loved Jewlery (All), Matsutake, Cheese, Yogurt, Perfume, Diamond, Pink Diamond, French Fries, Risotto, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Finest Curry, Doria, Gratin, Butter, Cheese Steamed Bun
Liked Wild Grape, Banana, Orange, Peach, Grape, Apple, Moondrop Flower, Toy Flower, Red Magicgrass Flower, Dress, Sunblock, Facial Pack, Skin Lotion, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Peridot, Amethyst, Wine, Chocolate, Dog Ball, Fried Noodles, Pot Stickers, Wild Grape Wine, Dumplings, Noodles, Curry Noodles, Buckwheat Noodles, Tempura Rice, Egg Over Rice, Curry Rice, Blue Curry, Green Curry, Red Curry, Yellow Curry, Orange Curry, Purple Curry, Indigo Curry, Black Curry, White Curry, Pizza, Cheesecake, Grape Juice, Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Orange Juice, Apple Juice, Strawberry Milk, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Curry Bun, Steamed Cake, Salad
Neutral Other items not listed
Disliked Colored Grasses (All), Wool, Yarn, Agate, Fluorite, Weed, Stone, Wood Lumber, Stone Lumber, Happy Eggplant, Fried Thick Noodles, Tempura, Pumpkin Stew, Boiled Spinach, Tempura Noodles, Tempura Buckwheat Noodles
Hated Toadstool, Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil, Mythic Stone, Lithograph, Fish Bones, Empty Can, Boot, Branch, Gold Lumber, Fodder, Bird Feed, Bodigizer, Turbojolt, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt XL, Pickled Turnips, Pickled Cucumbers
Horror Elli Leaves

Heart Events[]

Black Heart Event[1]

Location: Beach
Time: 12pm until 3pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (Sunny)

Go to the beach on a sunny Monday, Wednesday or Friday to find Rock. He will tell you that he's been staring at the ocean. He compliments himself, saying that the ocean is beautiful.. like him! When you have no reply, Rock assumes you're simply smitten by him and have no words.

If you play along and tell Rock that he's memorizing, he'll say that you can stare at each other for a while. After a few moments, Rock will laugh to break the silence and the event will end.

Purple Heart Event[2]


Location: Inner Inn
Time: 11am until 4pm during Rain, cannot be Tuesday or Friday

After witnessing the black heart event and getting Rock's affection up to a purple heart, visit the Inner Inn during the trigger time on a rainy Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday or Sunday.

When you arrive, Nami greets you and explains that she's taking care of the Inn while Ruby's out on an errand when Rock suddenly comes into the room for lunch. Nami tells Rock that he should be taking care of things because he's Ruby's son. The two argue about who should take responsibility and ask for your opinion.

If you side with Rock that Nami should do the work, Nami becomes even angrier but it appeases Rock. He leaves the Inn to go and find food elsewhere. After Ruby returns to the Inn, the event ends.

Blue Heart Event[3]

Goddess Pond Time: 1pm until 5pm on a sunny Tuesday

On any sunny Tuesday when Rock has a blue heart or more, walk on the path to the Goddess Pond.

Rock is standing near the pond and asks your character to come over to talk to him. He starts up a conversation and tells you that Lumina and him recently went on a date but it didn't turn out well so he came here to relax. Rock explains that he asked if he could kiss Lumina, and she got upset and ran off! Rock doesn't think it's all that weird, and then asks if he can kiss you. 

If you tell Rock that he can, he'll ask you to close your eyes. Nothing happens, and you soon discover that Rock played a trick on you! You storm away from the pond angrily, leaving Rock confused.

Yellow Heart Event[4]

Rock's Bedroom Time: 6am until 11am

After witnessing all of Rock's other events and getting this heart color up to yellow, visit Rock's room at the Inner Inn early in the morning.

Rock is deep in thought when you enter the room and welcomes you in. After asking you how your farm is doing, Rock starts to talk about what's on his mind. He surprisingly starts to go on and on about Lumina! Getting increasingly annoyed, you ask Rock if he and Lumina are dating. Rock didn't even realize he was talking so much about Lumina!

He confesses that he actually likes you a lot more than her, but talked about her to cover up his feelings. He apologizes for upsetting you. 

Rival Heart Events[]

Black Rival Event

This event can be triggered on a sunny Tuesday between 11am and 1pm at the Goddess Pond by exiting the Sprite tree.[5]

Rock and Lumina are together at the Goddess Pond. Rock asks Lumina if she ever liked him in the past. Lumina denies it, but Rock doesn't believe her. Lumina gets flustered and continues to deny it, while Rock just laughs. He tells her that it can be a secret between them.

Blue Rival Event

Go to the beach between 11:10am and 1pm on a Saturday, in Year 2 or later. The first event must have been watched.[6]

Rock and Lumina are talking on the beach and Rock tries to compliment Lumina by telling her that she's cute. Lumina isn't impressed and tells him it won't get him a date with her. Rock tells her that he meant she was cute in a "childish" way. Lumina becomes mad at Rock, but he still can't think she's cute, even when she's mad.

Green Rival Event

Exit the Sprite tree between 11am and 1pm on a sunny Tuesday. It must be Year 3 or later, and the previous events must have been watched.[7]

Rock and Lumina are at the Goddess Pond together. Rock is reminiscing about a game the two used to play when they were kids. Lumina doesn't remember at first, but Rock reminds her that she used to play as a Goddess and Rock was her servant. Lumina remembers that she fell into the pond one day and Rock jumped in to save her. She thanks Rock for saving her.

Orange Rival Event[8]

The last event can be triggered at the beach between 11:10am and 1pm on a Saturday in Year 4 or later. All previous events must have been watched.[9]

Rock sense that something is bothering Lumina, but she won't admit it. She tells Rock to leave him alone. Rock refuses, saying a real man can't leave a girl that likes him alone to cry. Lumina cheers up and admits that being with Rock always makes her forget her worries. Rock teases Lumina by saying that she's fallen in love with him. Lumina admits that she does love him!

