Selena (シーラ Shīra? lit. Sheila) is a bachelorette in Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility.
Selena is a dancer from Toucan Island that lies off the coast of Waffle Island, who later arrives on the latter with the intention of becoming more successful in her career as a dancer. She lives at the Sundae Inn while staying on the island. Selena was selfish at first, but changes her mind about you if you take the time to befriend her.
You first meet Selena during the Spring Flower Festival, where she will you to buy her a lily; doing so will raise friendship a little. Unlike in Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, Selena does not have a rival.
Normally, Selena can be seen walking outside Sundae Inn in early morning, then walks to the dock outside On the Hook. Afterwards, she will go to the Maple Lake District before returning to the Sundae Inn. After marriage, Selena will be at your house until 10am. She will leave and walk around Caramel River District.
Gift Preferences | |||||||||||
Heart Events[]
2-Heart Event
As you leave your house in the morning, Selena will show you a coral which you can accept or reject.
4-Heart Event
Talk to Selena when she has 4 hearts before 11am on a sunny day. She will ask you to meet her down the stairs by On the Hook between 12pm and 12:50pm in order to see the event. If you don't show up on time, the event cannot be triggered. Selena will be upset next time you talk to her, and remind you didn't show up. You will also lose some affection points.
5-Heart Event
Selena will come to your house again; this time giving you a Coconut Cocktail. Accepting her gift will make Selena happy, while rejecting it will result in losing heart points with her.
Request Event[2]
When you visit Toucan Island for the first time, Selena's mother Sue will ask you to deliver a message to her. Sue thinks Selena ran away from home and she wants to apologize. Speak to Selena to deliver the message. Selena says that her parents misunderstood; she didn't run away, but she came to Waffle Island to be a dancer.
Later, you must return to Toucan Island and talk to Sue, who gives you a Manta Ray.
6-Heart Event
Talk to Selena before 11am when she has 6 hearts. A scene will play where Selena asks you to meet her near Alan's Tree between 12pm and 1pm to confess her love, which you can accept or reject. Not showing up to meet Selena or selecting a negative response will result in losing heart points.
When Selena reaches 8 hearts, you can propose to her using the Blue Feather received through the blue bird event, proven that you have completed the other marriage requirements.
Upon showing Selena the Blue Feather, she will ask if you really want to marry her, which you nod as she accepts your proposal. You'll then be taken in front of Hamilton at Town Hall, who will congratulate your engagement and set the wedding date.
On your wedding day, you will be automatically taken to the Church. You will meet your fiancée here, along with wedding guests. At wedding ceremonies, the bride's/groom's family will always appear. Hamilton will always be the wedding officiant.
After saying "I do," the marriage is official! You will be automatically transported back to your home after the ceremony. Wedding ceremonies only last until 10am, so you are still free to do farm chores for the remainder of the day afterwards. Your spouse will now live with you and your wedding anniversary will be marked on your calendar.
The child you will have when marrying Selena will act somewhat standoffish and reserved. Regardless of gender, they will have brown hair, a stern-looking face, and wear purple clothing.
The boy will have straight hair with bangs parted in the middle. The girl's hair will look like the boy one, but with a lighter color and is longer with spiky ends. Her child's appearance is the same as Calvin, Chase, and Luna.