The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki
Silk Worm


Silkworms are one of the newest additions to Harvest Moon animals, joining the Ostrich in Tree of Tranquility. They are small worm creatures that live in the Chicken Coop with Ducks and Chickens, on the purple tables at the back and to the sides.


Every four days a single silkworm will produce a silk cocoon. They have the traditional rankings of “Decent”, “Good”, “Perfect” and “Shining.” These cocoons can also be placed in the Yarn Maker (which is purchased from the General Store at 4500 dollars and is placed in the barn) to form silk. This silk is ranked between the four previously mentioned types.

However, with the dye pot that comes with the Yarn Maker makes it is possible to dye silk. When silk is dyed, it is important to note that there is no ranking to the colored silk. Instead the price range is based on what color the silk is. Blue Silk being the highest profit, with Green Silk being the lowest.

Product Prices[]


Shining 1000G
Perfect 600G
Good 500G
Decent 400G

Silk Yarn[]

Shining 1400G
Perfect 980G
Good 700G
Decent 420G

Dyed Silk Yarn[]

Blue 2100G
Red 1400G
Purple 1260G
Green 1190G
Yellow 1120G


Silkworms are some of the easiest animals to care for. They do not leave their tables and do not go outside. At the same time they must be hand-fed everyday and it is recommended that the silkworms be picked up each day.


Silkworms do not reproduce. To purchase silkworms Brownie Ranch must first be unlocked (either by using a level 3 Hammer on the boulder blocking the path or waiting until the Animal Festival on Spring 28). Each silkworm costs 2850 and does not have any other form.
