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The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki

Simon's Photos is a location in Harvest Moon: Animal Parade. It is located in Harmonica Town.

Simon's Photos is run by Simon and is open from 8am until 8pm. At Simon's Photos you can have a portrait taken for 100G by yourself, with your family, with your Mii, or with your Mii and your family. You can choose a background for your portrait and can also purchase cameras and picture frames.

The store is upgraded to Level 2 when you ship at least 320,000 G worth of "other" items through your shipping box. It can be upgraded to Level 3 when you ship at least 540,000 G worth of "other" items.


Item Lv Price Item Lv Price
Gold Camera 1 2400 G Poster (M): Country 2 3000 G
Frame (S): Normal 1 1000 G Poster (M): Cute 2 3000 G
Frame (S): Chic 1 1000 G Poster (M): Casual 2 3000 G
Frame (S): Urban 1 1000 G Bellows Camera 3 3600 G
Poster (S): Country 1 2000 G Frame (L): Normal 3 2250 G
Poster (S): Cute 1 2000 G Frame (L): Chic 3 2250 G
Poster (S): Casual 1 2000 G Frame (L): Urban 3 2250 G
Twin Lens Camera 2 3000 G Poster (L): Country 3 4000 G
Frame (M): Normal 2 1500 G Poster (L): Cute 3 4000 G
Frame (M): Chic 2 1500 G Poster (L): Casual 3 4000 G
Frame (M): Urban 2 1500 G