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Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns ((ボク)(ジョウ)(もの)(がたり) 3(みっ)つの(さと)(タイ)(セツ)( とも)だち, Bokujō Monogatari: Mittsu no Sato no Taisetsuna Tomodachi, lit. Ranch Story: Cherished Friends of Three Towns) is the third title of Bokujō Monogatari series on Nintendo 3DS.


  • Three towns with various styles that can be visited freely once each one is introduced[1]:
  • Farm Circle, where planting crops around a movable scarecrow will net you some bonuses.
  • Various breed of pets, e.g. dogs
  • Bringing pet anywhere around town
  • Part-time jobs in each of the three towns
  • Ability to decorate your house[2]
    • Rebuild your house
    • Things like the house's appearance and interior design can be rearranged


Westown (ウェスタウン, Wesu Taun): a western influenced town that player begins with. It is a mining-based town. Previously flourishing as a mining town, it's residents are always lively and friendly. When arriving at the town, plants like aloe and cactus can be found growing. On the south side of town, there is a large river. On the banks of this river lives Frank on his farm.[3]

Lulukoko (ルルココ(むら), Rurukoko Mura): An exotic town with mysterious ruins and a pleasant beach surrounded by the roar of waves. This town is abundant in the fruit of southern countries and marine products. The people here dress in their vivid native dress. It is the second town introduced.[7]

Tsuyukusa (つゆくさの(さと), Tsuyukusa no Sato): Nostalgic, Asian-influenced town with a river, a bridge, and paddy crops. With straw-thatched roofs and an arched bridge hanging over a flowing river, this town has a nostalgic air about it. As the head of the river, water-filled rice patties and crop cultivation are popular here. The people in this town wear kimono. It is the third and last town introduced.[8]












  1. 牧場や3つの里はそれぞれとなり合っているので、いつでも気軽に行き来することができます。
  2. 自宅を建て替えることができます。見た目や内装をアナタ好みにアレンジしちゃいましょう♪
  3. ウェスタウン / 牧場主を目指すアナタが、最初におとずれる里「ウェスタウン」。かつて鉱山の町として栄えたこの里には、いつも陽気でフレンドリーな住人たちが暮らしています。里のいたるところにアロエやサボテンなどの植物が育ち、南側には大きな川が流れています。川のほとりには、牧場主の師匠でもあるフランク叔父さんの牧場があります。
  4. 「採掘ポイント」では、ハンマーを使って鉱石などを手に入れることができます。
  5. フランク叔父さんが暮らす牧場では、さまざまなアドバイスがもらえます。
  6. 里を流れる川では「魚釣り」が楽しめます。
  7. 波の音が心地よい浜辺やミステリアスな遺跡があるエキゾチックな里。南国フルーツや海産物が豊富です。住人たちは色鮮やかな民族衣装を着ています。
  8. つゆくさの里 / かわら屋根の建物や太鼓橋のかかる川が流れ、どこか懐かしい風情ただよう里。水源が豊かで、水田や畑栽培がさかんです。着物を着た人たちが暮らしています。