The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki

This article is about Tabitha, a character from Skytree Village. You may be looking for Tabitha in her other appearances throughout the series.
"Hello, human! Human? Are you not hearing me? If not I have a spell that will give you rabbit ears..."

Tabitha is a Mystical Character in Harvest Moon: Skytree Village.

Tabitha is a young chatty witch, who's slightly naive. She's out to prove she's the Number One Witch and that she's better at magic than Gareth.

Requests: "Tabitha's Curiosity"[]

Request #1: 4 Cabbage

  • Reward: Peaceful Potion and Active Potion recipes

Request #2: 2 Crucian Carp

  • Reward: Spring Breeze Potion and Summer Breeze Potion recipes

Request #3: 5 Softwood Lumber

  • Reward: Sensitive Potion recipe

Request #4: 4 Donkey Fur

  • Reward: Proud Potion recipe

Request #5: 2 Sapphire ore

  • Reward: Bountiful Potion recipe

Seasonal Requests[]

Tabitha's Fall Curiosity 1:

  • Reward:

Tabitha's Fall Curiosity 2: 2 Bullhead

  • Reward: 1 Bountiful Potion

Building Chemistry[]

There is no gift-giving in Skytree Village. The only way to build chemistry is to talk to the villagers every day. Unlike previous games, chemistry will not decrease if you do not talk to someone for a while.

Tabitha is hardly home. She can often be found after 8pm at her house, The Harvest Goddess Spring, or walking around town or your farm.
