The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki
Main article: Tony (SoM)


  • 0: "Hi..."
  • 1.5: "Oh, [Name]... Uh... How are you doing?"
  • 1.5: "Not long after Jimmy was born, our mother moved far away, so... I can hardly even remember her."
  • 2: "I'm... not reallyy cut out to be a blacksmith or a carpenter... My dad is always getting mad at me..."
  • 2.5: "I'd like to fix tools and buildings for my friends, so I have a lot to learn from my dad."
  • 3: "Let me know if any of your tools or buildings need repair. I'll... I'll come and fix them myself!"
  • "You think I'm not dressed warmly enough? I, uh... just keep moving and I'm fine..."
  • Morning: "G-Good morning... Did you, uh...get a good breakfast today...?"
  • Afternoon: "Do you ever skip lunch because you get caught up in some work you're doing...?"
  • Night: "It sure got late... Where did the day go...?"
  • On the Mountain: "What am I doing here...? Uh, just...taking a walk..."
  • Bar: "Uh... Sometimes, I feel like talking to Luke about my problems..."
  • Crossroads: "Jimmy and Sally have too much energy... I have to watch them all the time to keep them from danger."
  • In Blacksmith: "Let's see... What was it my dad asked me to do?"
  • In Blacksmith: "Oh... Did you come over to hang out? I don't have anything to offer for you to eat or drink, though..."
  • Hanna's Restaurant: "On sundays, our family goes out to eat. It's nice having a meal someone else cooked... now and then."
  • Low Stamina: "Hey, um, you seem... Are you going to faint right now? Are you okay? Shouldn't you get some rest...?"
  • Engaged: "Uh... I heard the news, that you're, um, getting married. So... congratulations...!"
  • Pregnant with first Child: " You're going to have a kid, huh...? I should make you some utensils for your baby..."
  • First child is born: "Your kid was born, right? That makes me almost as happy as if it was my own kid..."
  • After having two children: "So how's it going with the kids? Do they get into fights because they are close in age?"


  • Spring: "Sheesh... I get so sleepy in the spring. I feel like I could snooze all day long..."
  • Winter: "What I like about winter is the quiet... That helps me concentrate on my work..."
  • Sunny: "Uh... Nice weather today, isn't it? I know the laundry will get nice and dry today."
  • Rainy: "I like rainy days. Just the sound of the rain, you know?"


  • Loved Gift: "Wow! Thanks! This is just what I wanted!"
  • Liked Gift: "This is for me? Thanks!"
  • Disliked Gift: "
  • Birthday Gift: "Hey, a birthday present, for me? And something I really wanted... Thanks...!"
  • Multiple Gifts: "Um... Thanks, but... I just wouldn't feel comfortable taking more than one gift from you today..."

Heart Lines[]

  • Zero Notes: "Who would be a farmer in such an out-of-the-way spot?"
  • One Note: "So, um... ever since you moved here. I've been having dreams about when I was little. Where was that field?"
  • Two Notes: "I used to go to the farm a lot when I was little. The couple who owned it back then were really nice."
  • Three Notes: "Before Jimmy was born, my dad and mom used to take walks on your farm all the time, hand in hand."

Marriage Lines[]

  • Engaged: "I'm, um, counting the days until our wedding. You know... because I'm excited... but impatient..."

Festival/Other Events[]

  • Fall Festival (Any Food): "So this must be... for the Fall Festival, right...? Uh, thanks... That's very nice of you."
  • Fireworks Festival: "The fireworks festival is coming up soon. Am I inviting anyone? No, I... Uh..."
  • Fireworks Festival (Date): "So, uh... the Fireworks Festival... It's almost time for it, so be at home from 5 PM to 7:59 PM, all right?"
  • Flower Festival (Any Flower): "That's right, today's the Flower Festival, isn't it? Thanks... That was nice of you..."
  • On his birthday: "You remembered my birthday? Wow! Thanks. You're really thoughtful..."
  • Starry Night Festival: "I guess I'll just spend this year's Starry Night Festival with my family..."
  • New Year's Day: "Um, Happy New Year. And best wishes for, you know... this upcoming year."
  • New Year's Eve: "So we're about done with this year, I guess... Did it fly by? Or did it seem long to you?"
  • Your Birthday: "Hey... Isn't today your birthday? Happy birthday! Hope it's a good one!"