The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki

This article covers all tools that can be used in Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland. Tools that can be upgraded during certain events will be removed once an event path has been completed before the end of the year.

Farming Tools[]

Hammer Default tool given to the player at the start of the game. Used to flatten land that has been tilled. 
Hoe Default tool given to the player at the start of the game. Tills 1 square of ground. 
Sickle Default tool given to the player at the start of the game. Used to cut grass in the pasture to create fodder for animals. Can also be used to cut down planted crops.  
Super Sickle This improved sickle can be purchased from Louis at the tool shop. It will cut three squares of grass at once instead of one square. 
Watering Can Default tool given to the player at the start of the game. This is used to water one square of soil. 

Animal Tools[]

Brush This is used to brush your cows and horses. It can be purchased at the tool shop.
Milker This is used to milk your full grown cows. It can be purchased at the tool shop. 
Animal Medicine Can be purchased from Bob at the ranch. Used to cure animals that are sick.
Cow Miracle Potion Can be purchased from Bob at the ranch. Used to impregnate an adult cow. 

Additional Tools[]

Fishing Rod This is given to you by Joe during the "Fishy Story" event path. It can only catch small fish and junk.
Silver Fishing Rod  Available for purchase through Louis' tool shop after advancing events in the "Fishy Story" event path. Upgraded version of the regular fishing rod.
Silver Fish Rod

Only available through the events of the "Fishy Story" event path. Given to you by Kurt. Upgraded version of the Silver Fishing Rod.

Flute Given to you by Louis during the "Bluebird" event path. Can be used to train your dog. 
Silk Can be purchased from Louis' tool shop during the "Goddess Dress" event path. 