The town villa (町の別荘, Machi no Bessou) is a location in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. It acts as an additional home that the player can obtain by purchasing it from Gotts, at the Workshop, for 10,000,000G, 999 lumber, and 999 stone. After purchasing the Town Villa it will take a total of three days for Gotts to build it.
The house will located in what used to be an empty plot in the Southside of town, between the Forge and entrance to the Secret Forest. The interior is similar to your first farmhouse, before upgrades and expansions, complete with a TV set, a bed, a table, a diary to save in and a calendar. There will also be a mirror, fireplace and clock. Like all the other additional homes, the Town Villa is not expandable or upgradable. Furthermore, your spouse and child will not move here with you.
Truth Jewel[]