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The Harvest Moon Wiki

The Watering Can is one of the essential tools in Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility.

The primary use for the watering can is to water crops.

You can charge up the watering can's power by holding down the A button. As the watering can is upgraded, you are able to water more at a time and use less stamina.

Skill Level[]

As your skill level increases, you use less stamina and water more at once.

Skill Level Abilities[1]
Skill Level 1 Water a single square of land at a time.
Skill Level 2 Can water a 1x3 square of land at once.
Skill Level 3 Can water a 3x3 square of land at once.
Skill Level 4 Can water a 3x6 square of land at once.
Skill Level 5 Can water a 5x6 square of land at once.


You can buy tool upgrades from Ramsey at the tool shop. You will need to pay a small fee and bring in the required metal in order to upgrade. Alternatively, you can also buy the upgrades from the General Store for more money. 

Tool Level Requirements Stamina Usage[2] Water Held[3]
Starting Watering Can Starter Watering Can.  -20 20 squares worth of water.
Iron Watering Can 1 piece of Iron Metal, 1000 G -15 40 squares worth of water.
Copper Watering Can 1 piece of Copper Metal, 2500 G -10 60 squares worth of water.
Silver Watering Can 1 piece of Silver Metal, 5000 G -5 80 squares worth of water.
Gold Watering Can 1 piece of Gold Metal, 10000 G -3 100 squares worth of water.

