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In Harvest Moon DS: Island of Happiness, it is possible for the player to have a child. This can be done by getting married and upgrading your house to Super size, the latter action of which requires 700 wooden lumber and 50,000 G. Additionally, you can pay 80,000 G if you don't have the lumber. Afterwards, you must buy the baby bed which costs 10,000 G.


Pregnancy and Birth[1][]

Three months after upgrading your house and buying the crib, Trent will come to the island to diagnose the pregnancy. Trent does not need to live on the island at the time. He will travel from Mineral Town to your island and return when the event is over. The child's gender is chosen randomly. If you want a gender yourself, reload to the last save file before their date of birth. The birth event will trigger two months later.

Newborn Stage[]

Once your child is born, they will remain in their crib for two years. Your child will not accept gifts and cannot be picked up, but you can talk to them which will count as 200 FP. Their birthday can be celebrated at 6pm, but even so, they will not grow until two years have passed.

Crawling Stage[]

Two years after your child is born, they will crawl in the morning when you wake up. Your child will be seen crawling around your house daily. You can also give them gifts to increase friendship points; each gender prefers different gifts. The child remain in this stage in another two years.

Walking Stage[]

After two more years have gone by, your child will become fully-grown and walk around the house. They never go away from home except during festivals. The child will still accept gifts at this point as well.


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Particularly, condensed/formatting gift list.

Male Child[]

Gift Preferences  
Special Pudding
Loved Apple Pie, Cake, Cheese Cake, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookies, Cookies, Doughnuts, Fish Fossil, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Fruit Sandwich, Grape, Grape Juice, Hot Milk, Hotcakes, Ice Cream, Mixed Latte, Moondrop Flower, Omelet Rice, Pineapple Juice, Pinkcat Flower, Pizza, Pirate Treasure, Rice Meal, Sandwich, Strawberry Milk, Steamed Bun, Steamed Cake, Toy Flower
Liked Adamantite, Apple Abekawa Mochi, Apple Jam, Apple Juice, Blue Magicgrass Flower, Baked Apple, Baked Banana, Candied Potatoes, Castilla, Chocolate, Chocolate Banana, Chocolate Fondu, Chocolate, Cream Croquette, Egg, Egg Rice, Empty Can, Fried Potato, Fruit Dumpling, Gold Ore, Green Grass, Hot Chocolate, Inari Zushi, Jam Bun, Kinton, Lassie, Mame Rice, Matsutake Rice, Mayonnaise, Mashed Potato, Milk, Mixed Juice, Mythic Ore, Orange Marmalade, Orihalc, Pineapple, Pineapple Pie, Popcorn, Potato Rice, Pumpkin Pudding, Red Magicgrass Flower, Relaxtea Leaves, Silver Ore, Soba Dumpling, Spa Boiled Egg, Stick, Stone, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Ricecake, Sweet Potato, Teacake, Toast, Tomato Juice, Tofu Skin, Truffle, Vegetable Juice, Wool, Yogurt
Disliked Agate, Alexandrite, Amethyst, Baked Corn, Baked Meshi, Baked Mushroom, Baked Soba, Baked Udon, Butter, Cabbage Roll, Carpaccio, Cheese, Cheese Fondu, Chirashi Sushi, Chop Suey, Croquette, Cut Soba, Diamond, Edamame, Egglant, Emerald, Fish Bones, Fish Paste, Flourite, Gyoza, Happy Eggplant, Herb Salad, Herb Soup, Junk Ore, Large Fish, Lithograph, Marinade, Meuniere, Medium Fish, Mushroom, Mushroom Cake, Mushroom Rice, Ohitashi, Onion Salad, Pancake, Peridot, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pink Diamond, Ruby Curry recipes, Salad Spaghetti, Sandrose, Soba, Soba Bun, Soba Flour, Soba Gaki, Small Fish, Steamed Turnips, Stirfry, Sushi, Tempura recipes, Tofu Steak, Topaz, Vegetable Latte, Weeds
Hated Baked Eggplant, Baked Fish, Baked Seaweed, Bird Feed, Black Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigier XL, Broiled Fish, Carrot, Carrot Juice, Curry Powder, Fodder, Flour, Golden Lumber, Green Grass, Hunger Potion, Hunger Potion XL, Indigo Grass, Milk Gruel, Nattou recipes, Oil, Onion, Orange Grass, P.Mushroom, Pepper, Pet Food, Purple Grass, Red Grass, Sashimi, Stone Lumber, Sweet Potato, Tomato Salad, White Grass, Wine Elli Leaves, Wood Lumber, Yellow Grass
Horror Failed Dish (aka Burnt Recipe)

Female Child[]

Gift Preferences  
Special Strawberry Milk
Loved Apple Pie, Baked Banana, Cake, Cheese Cake, Chocolate Banana, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookies, Chocolate Fondu, Cookies, Doughnuts, Fruit Dumpling, Fruit Latte, Fruit Sandwich, Grape, Grape Juice, Hotcakes, Hot Milk, Ice Cream, Lassie, Moondrop Flower, Omelet Rice, Pinkcat Flower, Rice Meal, Steamed Bun, Steamed Cake, Strawberry Ricecake, Toy Flower
Liked Abekawa Mochi, Agate, Amethyst, Apple, Apple Juice, Apple Pie, Blue Magicgrass Flower, Baked Apple, Capreze, Candied Potatoes, Castilla, Chinese Bun, Chocolate, Cream Croquette, Diamond, Egg, Egg Rice, Empty Can, Flourite, Fried Potato, Fruit Juice, Grape Juice, Hot Chocolate, Inari Zushi, Jam Bun, Kinton, Mayonnaise, Mame Rice, Matsutake Rice, Milk, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Orange Marmalade, Peridot, Pineapple, Pineapple Juice, Pineapple Pie, Pink Diamond, Popcorn, Potato Rice, Red Magicgrass Flower, Ruby, Spa Boiled Egg, Soba Dumpling, Stick, Stone, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Sweet Potato, Teacake, Toast, Tomato Juice, Topaz, Truffle, Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Latte, Wool, Yarn
Disliked Adamantite, Alexandrite, Baked Corn, Baked Eggplant, Baked Meshi, Baked Mushroom, Baked Potato, Baked Soba, Baked Udon, Butter, Cabbage, Cabbage Roll, Carpaccio, Cheese, Cheese Fondu, Chop Suey, Corn, Corn Soup, Croquette, Cucumber, Curry recipes, Cut Soba, Edamame, Egglant, Fish Bones, Fish Paste, Gold Ore, Gyoza, Happy Eggplant, Herb Soup, Junk Ore, Large Fish, Lithograph, Mithril, Medium Fish, Meuniere, Mushroom, Mushroom Cake, Mushroom Rice, Mythic Ore, Ohitashi, Onion Salad, Onion Soup, Orihalc, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pizza, Potato, Salad Spaghetti, Savory Pancake, Shumai, Silver Ore, Small Fish, Soba, Soba Bun, Soba Flour, Soba Gaki, Soup Spaghetti, Steamed Turnips, Stirfry, Stone, Strawberry, Tempura recipes, Tofu Steak, Tomato Salad, Turnip, Weeds, Zaru Soba
Hated Baked Fish, Bird Feed, Black Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigier XL, Broiled Fish, Carrot, Carrot Juice, Curry Powder, Elli Leaves, Fish Fossil, Fodder, Flour, Golden Lumber, Green Grass, Herb Salad, Hunger Potion, Hunger Potion XL, Indigo Grass, Mashed Potatoes, Milk Gruel, Nattou recipes, Oil, Onion, Orange Grass, Pepper, Pet Food, Pirate Treasure, P.Mushroom, Purple Grass, Red Grass, Stone Lumber, Sweet Potato, Tofu Steak, White Grass, Wine, Wood Lumber, Yellow Grass
Horror Sashimi

