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The Harvest Moon Wiki
Main article: Your Children (AP)

Quiet Child[]


  • Wish: "A wish? Umm... I hope Mama and Papa are happy forever!"
  • Talk too Much: "Yes, how can I help?"
  • When Shown a Pet: "Oh, it's so cute..."


  • Loved: "I'm so happy. I really love this. Thank you, [Mama/Papa]."
  • Liked: "I'm so happy. Thank you, [Mama/Papa]."
  • More Than 1 Gift: "It's okay, my hands are full."

Heart Lines[]

  • "I like it when there are lots of animals and flowers and it's full of life."


  • Winning a Contest: "[Mama/Papa], congratulations. Everyone is congratulating you. It makes me happy too."

Fiery Child (Second Child)[]


  • Early Spring: "I love Spring! I feel so motivated!"
  • Late Spring: "Spring makes me happy. Maybe it's because the sun is nice and warm! ♫"
  • Early Summer: "I like watching all the bugs come out in the summer! I want to catch a lot of bugs! ♫"
  • Late Summer: "Summer is hot, so I heard you have to wear a hat so you don't get burned!"
  • Early Fall: "I wonder why the color of the leaves change in the Fall? ♫"
  • Late Fall: "I love watching the clouds change shape! ♪"
  • Early Winter: "I wonder why snow is white? Isn't it frozen rain? But rain is clear!"
  • Late Winter: "Winter's almost over! I think this season's kind of boring..."
  • Sunny: "When it's sunny, everyone smiles and feels good! ♫"
  • Cloudy: "Cloudy days aren't that interesting..."
  • Rainy: "Rainy days are so boring. I can't go outside with everyone."
  • Snowy: "I like leaving footprints in the snow! It's fun! I hope it snows a bunch! ♪"
  • Snowstorm: "Blizzards are really something! Everything's white! I want to go out there!"
  • Thunderstorm: "Lightning is crazy! I hope it doesn't strike anyone, that would be scary!"
  • Day Before Typhoon: "A typhoon's coming! I wonder where they come from? And where they go?"
  • Typhoon: "Typhoons are wild! They come in so loudly! I really want to go outside!"


  • Loved: "Aw, sweet! I totally love this! Thank you, [Papa/Mama]. ♫"
  • Liked: "Alright! I love this! Thank you, [Papa/Mama]. ♫"
  • Neutral: "Alright! Thank you!"
  • Hated: "Oh, gross! I can't stand this!"
  • More Than 1 Gift: "I already have plenty of presents!"
  • Important Item: "Uhm, you should keep that."
  • Loved Birthday Gift: "Alright! A birthday present! I love it! Thank you, [Papa/Mama]!"
  • Liked Birthday Gift: "Woohoo! A birthday present! I love it! Thank you!"
  • Neutral Birthday Gift: "A birthday present? Wow, thank you!"
  • Hated Birthday Gift: "Oh, gross! I can't stand this!"

Heart Lines[]

  • 0 Heart: "[Papa/Mama], you're always so energetic!"
  • 1 Heart: "When I grow up, I want to be a Ranch Master!"
  • 2 Hearts: "Hey, I think we should get more animals! It's more fun if we have a lot of them!"
  • 3 Hearts: "I want to learn how to ride a horse! When did you learn to ride?"
  • 4 Hearts: "I like playing with animals! I hope animals like playing with me, too!"
  • 5 Hearts: "These days, [Mama/Papa] have been angry all the time! Have I really been that bad?
  • 6 Hearts: "To become a Ranch Master, I have to enter Animal Festivals and win contests!"
  • 7 Hearts: "I have good friends! They all tell me that I'm cool. ♫ I haven't been fighting at all. I swear!"
  • 8 Hearts: "Hey, where did you meet {Mama/Papa]? Who asked who out? Tell me, pleeeease!"
  • 9 + 10 Hearts: "I wonder how many kids I'll have after I get married? It's nice to have lots of brothers and sisters!"

Festival Lines[]

  • Winning a Contest: "Alright! You are totally amazing! I want to be like you!"
  • Flower Festival:
    • Before: "Hey, tomorrow's the Flower Festival, right?♫ Let's meet at the Grounds!"
    • During: "They're absolutely amazing! The cherry trees gave their all! I gotta do the same!"
    • Event: -
    • After: "It was great!♫ I'm sure the cherry trees'll be pretty next year too!"
  • Animal Festival:
    • Before: "Tomorrow's the Animal Festival, right? ♫ We're going to a big farm!
    • During: "The pets are so good at tricks! I'm going to do that one day, too!"
    • After: "That was fun!♫ Animals really are great!♥"
  • Firefly Festival:
    • Before: "It's the Firefly Festival tomorrow! We're going to drift flowers down the river!"
    • During: "I heard it's an important festival. We're supposed to remember our ancestors. I hope Papa, Mama, and everybody is respectful!"
    • Event: "-"
    • After: "Hm! I'm not sleepy yet. Zzz... ...Huh, what?"
  • Summer Festival:
    • Before: " Tomorrow's the summer Festival! There'll be fireworks at the harbor! I can't wait! ♫"
    • During: "I wanna join the fishing contest! I wanna catch a huge fish! ♫"
    • After: "That was sooo fun! ♫ I'm already waiting for next year!"
  • Moon Viewing Festival:
    • Before: "Tomorrow's the Moon Festival! We're making moon cakes!"
    • During: "The moon looks biggest when it's full, right?"
    • Event: -
    • After: "Hmm? I'm not sleepy yet... Zzz... Huh, what?!"
  • Harvest Festival:
    • Before: "Tomorrow's the Harvest Festival! There are contests for cooking and stuff! I can't wait! ♫"
    • During: "I can't wait for the cooking contest! I wonder who will win?"
    • After: "That was so fun! ♫ I want to grow huge veggies! I'm going to be No. 1! ♫"
  • Harmony Day:
    • Before: "Tomorrow's Harmony Day! I'm gonna bake a cake! I can't wait! ♫"
    • During (<5 Hearts): "Baking a cake looks easy on paper, but it's pretty hard when you really do it!"
    • During (>5 Hearts): "Yes! I finished the cake! It's for you! Next year, I'm gonna try harder so it turns out better!"
    • Cake received: "Alright! Your cake looks so delicious! ♥ Thank you! ♫"
  • Starry Night Festival:
    • Before: "Tomorrow is the Starry Night Festival. I can't wait!"
    • During: "The Starry Night Festival seems tiring!"
    • Event: -
    • After: "That was...amazing! ♫ Hm? I'm not sleepy yet...Zzz..."
  • New Year's Festival:
    • Before: "Tomorrow is New Year's Eve! It's the last day of the year, so I can stay up late, right? We're gonna see fireworks! ♫ I can't wait!"
    • During: "Did you think about the year? I totally did! I thought of a New Year's resolution, too!"
    • Event: -
      • A) "Happiness with Loved Ones!": "[Papa/Mama], I'm gonna work hard, too!" (As Second Child)
  • Circus:
    • Before: "Tomorrow's the Circus! All sorts of animals will be there! I can't wait! Let's leave really early!"
    • During: "I think I like the lion the most! I want to ride one! ♫"
    • After: "It was so much fun! Let's come again next month!"

Other Lines[]

  • Wish: "A wish? Umm... I hope Papa and Mama are happy forever! That's it!"
  • Talk too Much: "Alright!"
  • Early Morning Greeting: "Morning!"
  • Midday Greeting: "What's up?"
  • Late Night Greeting: "Yawn..." / "I gotta sleep..."
  • When shown a Pet: "Wow, it's so calm and well-behaved!♫"
  • Sibling just born: "-"
  • Sibling in Baby Stage (As soon as 3rd day after birth): "-"
  • Sibling starts crawling: "-"
  • Sibling starts walking: "-"
  • When shown Baby Sibling: "-"
  • Walking with Spouse: "Walks are cool. They're like mini adventures!"
  • Walking with Pet: "You're taking a walk? It's fun when you go together, huh?"
  • On a walk: "Alright, let's go to a dungeon! Let's have an adventure!"
  • After helping out a Chore: "Look [Papa/Mama]! I did good, right?"
  • After helping out a Chore (Chore Mastery 1): "Look how good I am! How's that, [Papa/Mama]?"
  • After helping out a Chore (Chore Mastery 2): "Whoa! Look, I'm totally awesome now! ♫ Leave it to me!"

Family Events[]

  • Wedding Anniversary: -
    • Correct Answer: -
    • Wrong Answer: -
  • Parent's Pregnancy: -
  • Player's Birthday Event: -

Child Events[]

  • Child's Day: "Yup! I have my handkerchief and tissues!" "Yup, I'm all grown up now.♫"
  • Child Argument (1): "...sniff sniff" "It's all [Rival Child Name]'s fault!" "Nothing I do is ever good enough!" "I hate [Rival Child Name]!" "...... sniff sniff WAAAAH!"
  • Child Argument (2): "Yo!" "Oh, [Papa/Mama]." "I'm going down to Harmonica Town with [Rival Child Name]!"
  • Chore Mastery (1): "[Papa/Mama], don't you think I've become a good helper?"
  • Birthday:
    • Loved/Liked presents: "Yay! Thanks, [Papa/Mama]! I'm really happy! ♫"
    • Neutral present: "Yeah, thanks, [Papa/Mama]."
    • Hated/ No presents: "This isn't good, [Papa/Mama]..."
  • Your Spouse's Birthday:
    • Loved/Liked presents: "-"
    • Neutral Present: "-"
    • Hated Present: "-"
  • Chore Mastery (2): "[Papa/Mama], I can help out in anything you ask me to! You can count on me♫"
  • School Lesson (Art): " "The squirrel said, 'I'm harbornating for the winter!'" " "Hibernating." " [As Second Child]

New Game +[]

  • Meeting Harvest King (As 2nd Child): "Harvest King, what's wrong? If there's anything I can do, I'll help!"
    • Accepting the task: "All right! You can count on me!" "[Papa/Mama], I think I've seen Nature's Bounty at home!" "I've seen a bunch of things that shine and sparkle!" "I see them all the time when I'm helping at the ranch!"

Studious Child[]


First Child[]

  • Early Spring: "Everyone is energetic in the Spring. The grass, birds and bugs look happy."
  • Late Spring: "It's sad when flowers wilt. But they will be happier when Summer comes."
  • Early Summer: "Grass and trees are a deep green in the Summer. The leaves are cheerful."
  • Late Summer: "You can feel the vibrant energy of life during this season."
  • Early Fall: "Fall is the biggest harvest. I feel thankful for nature."
  • Late Fall: "People like to do art and play sports in the fall. I like reading."
  • Early Winter: "I think that Winter is tough for people and animals."
  • Late Winter: "I'd like to reflect on the past year before welcoming the new year."

Second Child[]

  • Early Spring: "Everyone is energetic in the Spring. The grass, birds and bugs look happy."
  • Late Spring: "It's sad when flowers wilt. But they will be happier when Summer comes."
  • Early Summer: "Grass and trees are a deep green in the summer. The leaves seem cheerful."
  • Late Summer: "You can feel the vibrant energy of life during this season."
  • Early Fall: "Fall is the biggest harvest. I feel grateful to nature."
  • Late Fall: "People like to do art and play sports in the Fall. I like reading."
  • Early Winter: "I think that Winter is tough for people and animals."
  • Late Winter: "I'd like to reflect on the past year before welcoming the new year."


  • Sunny: "The sun's rays are made up of lots of things. There are important things and harmful things."
  • Cloudy: "Ultraviolet rays of the sun are present even when it's cloudy, so be careful."
  • Raining: "Rain falls where there is enough moisture in the air. In other words, it's originally from the earth."
  • Thunderstorm: "I read how lightning happens but it was really hard, so I couldn't understand it."
  • Day before Typhoon:
    • First Child: "There is a typhoon tomorrow. I read how lightning happens, but I couldn't understand it."
    • Second Child: "There is a typhoon tomorrow. I read how lightning happens, but... I couldn't understand it."
  • Typhoon: "I hope the typhoon passes by quickly. But I guess it's bad to wish it would go to someone else's town..."
  • Snowy: "Snow means that it's very cold."
  • Blizzard: "You shouldn't go outside when there is a blizzard. If you really have to go, I guess that can't be helped..."


  • Loved: "Oh, can I have this? Thank you very much. I'm really happy. This is wonderful.♫"
  • Liked: "I'm so happy. Thank you, [Mama/Papa]."
  • Neutral: "Oh... thanks, [Mama/Papa]."
  • Disliked: "Honestly, this doesn't make me happy..."
  • Hated: "I can only say that this gift troubles me..."
  • More Than 1 Gift: "It's okay, my hands are full."
  • Important Item: "Hm? But...Don't you have to hold onto that one?"
  • Loved Birthday Gift: "A birthday gift? I really wanted this! Thank you, [Mama/Papa]. I'm so happy."
  • Liked Birthday Gift: "A birthday gift? I'm so happy! [Mama/Papa], thank you.♫"
  • Neutral Birthday Gift: A birthday gift. Thanks.♫"
  • Disliked Birthday Gift: "Honestly, this doesn't make me happy..."
  • Hated Birthday Gift: "I can only say that this gift troubles me..."

Heart Lines[]

  • 0 Heart: "Good work today. [Mama/Papa], you are amazing."
  • 1 Heart: "I need to start thinking about what I want to be. I need to start planning before time runs out."
  • 2 Hearts: "It's better to own lots of land. It's something you always need."
  • 3 Hearts: "I want to learn more difficult words. That way I can read lots of different books."
  • 4 Hearts: "I want to read more books about the town. I'll ask for some when I get a chance."
  • 5 Hearts: "I help [Mama/Papa] often. When I get a compliment, it makes me want to work harder."
  • 6 Hearts: "I like talking with my friends. Everyone thinks differently."
  • 7 Hearts: "Things I hate? I don't like bullies. I think it's mean. I'm glad there are none around me."
  • 8 Hearts: "How did you and [Mama/Papa] meet? I want to hear your story!"
  • 9/10 Hearts: "I wanna work hard so I can be just like you! I know being an adult isn't easy! But I don't mind working a lot every day!"


  • Winning a Contest: "[Mama/Papa], congratulations. It takes a lot of work to come in first place. Great job."
  • Flower Festival:
    • First Child:
    • Day Before: "Flower Festival's tomorrow... It will be held at the Celesta Church Grounds starting at 18:00."
    • Before: "Flowers bloom to create seeds. I wonder if it's similar to how humans make babies..."
    • During: "I helped make the food!" "[Mama/Papa], try my rice balls. I put cheese inside." "Time to go already? That was quick."
    • After: "It was beautiful... I'll never forget the cherry blossoms from tonight!"
    • Second Child:
    • Day Before: "Flower Festival's tomorrow. It'll take place in front of Celesta Church."
    • Before: "Flowers are so calming. It's nice to decorate your room with them!"
    • After: "It was amazing... The flowers were so incredible."
  • Animal Festival:
    • First Child:
    • Day Before: "Animal Festival's tomorrow. There is a contest to see how friendly you are with animals."
    • Before: "The animals are very lively. I'm getting excited too."
    • After: "It was a wonderful day! It was a long day for you... Please get some rest."
    • Second Child:
    • Day Before: "Animal Festival's tomorrow. There is a contest to see how friendly you are with animals."
    • Before: "Everyone is very lively. I'm getting excited too."
    • After: "It was a wonderful day! It was a long day for you... Please get some rest."
  • Firefly Festival
    • First Child:
    • Day Before: "Firefly Festival's tomorrow. We send flowers down the river! It's held at the river by the watermill. Starts at 19!"
    • Before: "I don't understand, but I know that remembering our ancestors is important. I'll keep their memory close to my heart all day."
    • During: "It's very quiet right now. I'm glad to be outside." "[Papa/Mama], what is this?" "Ancestors? What do you mean, we 'pay our respects'?" "Please rest peacefully..." "You guys should know that I'm doing great. Don't worry about me." "...Zzz... ...Fireflies are...pretty..."
    • After: "The glow of the fireflies is pretty. I wonder if our ancestors see that glow..."
    • Second Child:
    • Day Before: "The Firefly Festival's tomorrow. We send flowers down the river. It's held at the river near the watermill."
    • Before: "I've never experienced someone dying, but I know that keeping their memory is important. I'll keep their memory in my mind all day."
    • After: "The glow of the fireflies is pretty. I wonder if our ancestors see that glow..."
  • Summer Festival:
    • First Child:
    • Day Before: "The Summer Festival's tomorrow. There'll be shops at Harmonica Town's Harbor! Contests, too! It's starts at 9 AM."
    • Before: "The size of the fish doesn't matter in the Fishing Contest. Good luck!"
    • After Fireworks: "The fireworks were pretty. I'm excited for next year."
    • Second Child:
    • Day Before: "The Summer Festival's tomorrow. There'll be shops at Harmonica Town's Harbor! Contests, too!"
    • Before: "The size of the fish doesn't matter in the Fishing Contest. It's the speed!"
    • After: "The fireworks were pretty. I'm excited for next year."
  • Moon Festival:
    • Day Before: "The Moon Festival's tomorrow. Moon gazing begins at 19:00 at Flute Fields."
    • Before: "Moon gazing is said to bring a good harvest. Is that true?"
    • During: "I think my food's pretty good." "Hey, check out the moon!" "I made food, too! I helped [Papa/Mama]!" "Wow! It's a rabbit!" "Hey, [Papa/Mama]...what's a rabbit doing out here..." "Mr. Rabbit? Come here..."
    • After: "The full moon was so pretty! I can't wait to see it again next year."
  • Harvest Festival:
    • First Child:
    • Day Before: "The Harvest Festival's tomorrow. It celebrates the harvest, of course! It will be held in Flute Fields starting at 19:00."
    • Before: "So many contests today! Good luck!"
    • After: "It was a busy day today. I hope the harvests are good next year, too!"
    • Second Child:
    • Day Before: ""The Harvest Festival's tomorrow. We celebrate the harvest and wish for a good harvest next year!"
    • Before: "There are so many contests today! Good luck!"
    • After: "It was a busy day today! I hope the harvests are good next year, too!"
  • Harmony Day:
    • First Child:
    • Day Before: "Harmony Day's tomorrow! I was taught to always be thankful."
    • During (<5 Hearts): "It's difficult to bake a cake how I want!"
    • Gives a Harmony Day Cake: "I'm not very good at baking, but I made you a cake. [Mama/Papa], thank you."
    • Receives a Harmony Day Cake: "Oh, a Harmony Day cake? Thanks [Mama/Papa]... I'm really happy."
    • First Child:
    • Day Before: "Harmony Day's tomorrow. I was taught to always be thankful."
    • During (<5 Hearts): "Baking a cake is hard, but it's worth it!"
    • Gives a Harmony Day Cake: "I'm not very good at baking, but I made you a cake. Please eat it anyway. [Mama/Papa], thank you."
    • Receives a Harmony Day Cake: "Oh, a Harmony Day cake? Thanks, [Mama/Papa]. I'm really happy."
  • Starry Night Festival:
    • First Child:
    • Day Before: "The Starry Night Festival's tomorrow. We'll go stargazing... It's when the stars are the prettiest. I'm excited!"
    • Before: "I was told to have a wish ready for the shooting stars! I'm trying to decide..."
    • During: "[Papa/Mama] is always so worried." "I should choose my wish for the shooting star." "Wow, there it goes! That's neat!" "The shooting star is too fast for my wish..."
    • After: "The shooting stars were great. But I forgot to make a wish!"
    • Second Child:
    • Day Before: "The Starry Night Festival's tomorrow. We'll go stargazing! It's when the stars are at their brightest! It's at Flute Fields starting at 18:00."
    • Before: "I was told to have a wish ready for the shooting stars! I'm trying to decide..."
    • After: "The shooting stars were great. But I forgot to make a wish!"
  • New Year's:
    • First Child:
    • Day Before: "The New Year's Festival will be in Harmonica Town tomorrow. Are you gonna go?"
    • Before: "I'm setting new goals for next year!"
    • Second Child:
    • Day Before: "New Year's will be in Harmonica Town tomorrow. It's the last day of the year."
    • Before: "We reflect on the past year and wish for a good new year."
  • Circus:
    • First Child:
    • Day Before: "The Circus is tomorrow. It will take place in front of Celesta Church from 3pm."
    • Before: "Giraffes are so funny. There are many stories about their long necks."
    • After: "Do animals understand words? They are so smart... I'm surprised."
    • Second Child:
    • Day Before: "The Circus is tomorrow. It will take place in front of Celesta Church."
    • Before: "I wonder how the animals learned those tricks. Amazing."
    • After: "The animals are working so hard. I have to do the same too."

Other Lines[]

  • Talk too Much: "What can I do for you?"
  • Early Morning Greeting: "Good morning."
  • Night Greeting: "It's time to go to bed."
  • Late Night Greeting: "I should get to bed."
  • Walk: "Be careful that you don't trip and fall."

First Child[]

  • Wish: "A wish? Umm... I hope Mama and Papa are happy forever! That's it!"
  • Morning Greeting: "Good morning [Mama/Papa]."
  • Midday Greeting: "Hello, [Mama/Papa]."
  • Walking with Spouse: "Where are you going on your walk?"
  • Walking with Pet: "A walk, how wonderful."
  • Walking with Favorite Pet (Collie): "Walking is very good exercise."
  • When Shown a Pet: "Your pet is very well-behaved."
  • When Expecting Second Child: "The baby will be born soon. I'm going to be a big brother/sister!"
  • When Shown a Baby: "I think the baby is wonderful. I want to be friends."
  • After Second Child is Born:
    • "The baby's name is [Child]. I'm going to say it over and over again!"
    • "I'm nervous about holding the baby."
  • When Second Child is Crawling: "The baby is crawling a lot. So energetic!"
  • When Second Child is Walking: "The baby is talking. I want to teach the baby different words."
  • After helping out a Chore: "I think I have a lot to learn, but what do you think?"
  • After helping out a Chore (Chore Mastery 1): "I've improved, haven't I? I'll work even harder."
  • After helping out a Chore (Chore Mastery 2): "I think I've mastered it if I say so myself."

Second Child[]

  • Wish: "A wish? Umm... I hope Mama and Papa are happy forever!"
  • Morning Greeting: "Yes, [Mama/Papa]?"
  • Midday Greeting: "Yes, [Mama/Papa]?"
  • Walking with Spouse: "You and [Papa/Mama] are very good affectionate. ♫"
  • Walking with Pet: "On a walk? Take it easy!"
  • Walking with Favorite Pet (Collie): "How nice. I'd like to come too."
  • When Shown a Pet: "Your pet is well-behaved."
  • After helping out a Chore: "I think I did okay, but what do you think?"
  • After helping out a Chore (Chore Mastery 1): "I've improved, haven't I? I'll work harder."


  • Chore Mastery (1): "[Mama/Papa], I think I've become good at helping people."
  • Chore Mastery (2): "[Mama/Papa], I think I've gotten really good at helping you out! If there's anything you need, just leave it to me!"

First Child[]

  • Child's Day: "Yes! I even dressed myself." "Yup, I'm all grown up now.♪"
  • Missing Child (1): "Sniff, sniff. Mama... Papa......" "I... I got lost... I'm sorry... sniff."
  • Child Nurse: "[Papa/Mama], are you okay?" "[Mama/Papa], I'll take care of [Papa/Mama]!" "[Papa/Mama], do you want some water? You're starting to sweat. I'll get a towel."
  • School Lesson (Art): "Um, teacher." "Is it fine that I draw 2?" "I like both Mama and Papa, so I want to draw 2."

Second Child[]

  • Child's Day: "Yes! I even dressed myself." "Yup, I'm all grown up now."
  • Child's Argument (1): "WAAAAAAAHH!" "It's all [Rival Child]'s fault!" "[Rival child] only thinks about himself... I only warned him, and he called me stupid." "WAAAAAAAAHH, WAAAH, WAAAH!"
  • Child's Argument (2): "I'm coming!" "Oh, [Mama/Papa]. I'm going down to Harmonica Town with [Rival Child]. I'll be back!"

Romantic Child (First Child)[]


  • Early Spring: "You know, if you plant flowers, you'll have bees and butterflies! ♫."
  • Late Spring: "It's sad when the Cherry Blossoms are gone..."
  • Early Summer: "I love the ocean in the Summer!♫ The ocean and the sky are both so blue! ♥"
  • Late Summer: "I get envious of seagulls! ♥ It would be great to be able to fly in the sky. ♪"
  • Early Fall: "I feel lonely in the Fall...Maybe it's because the leaves all drop?"
  • Late Fall: "If I stare at the sunset too long, I start to cry. Isn't that weird?"
  • Early Winter: "I don't really like the Winter. It's so cold."
  • Late Winter: "The Winter is so long! But I like Spring more thanks to the Winter! ♥"
  • Sunny: "I really like sunny days. They're so bright!♫"
  • Cloudy: "Singing is good on cloudy days to cheer everyone up! ♪"
  • Rainy: "People feel down on rainy days. I'll cheer them up! ♫"
  • Snowy: "The snow is so nice! ♥ I love seeing the ground covered in white! ♪"
  • Snowstorm: "Look outside! It's so warm in here, it's almost like heaven! ♪"
  • Thunderstorm: "Lightning is so scary! But seeing flashes in the dark can be pretty. ♪"
  • Day Before Typhoon: "Is a typhoon coming tomorrow? I wish it would go away!"
  • Typhoon: "Maybe the typhoon will go away while I'm asleep. Maybe I'll go to bed early!"


  • Loved: "Wow, this is so great!♫ I just love this!☆ Thank you, [Mama/Papa].♥"
  • Liked: "Wow, I really like this!♪ Thank you, [Mama/Papa]."
  • Neutral: "Wow, Thank you.♫"
  • Hated: "What!? I just don't like this at all..."
  • More Than 1 Gift: "Hmm, I had enough already."
  • Loved Birthday Gift: "Wow, a birthday present? I really love this! ♥ Thank you, [Papa/Mama]. I'm so happy. ♪"
  • Liked Birthday Gift: "Wow, a birthday present? I really like this! ♪ Thank you, [Papa/Mama]."
  • Neutral Birthday Gift: "Wow, a birthday present! Thank you. ♪"
  • Hated Birthday Gift: "What!? I just don't like this at all..."

Heart Lines[]

  • 0 Heart: "I want to be just like you! ♫"
  • 1 Heart: "Hmm, I really like the color pink!♥ It's kind of a dreamy color. ♪"
  • 2 Hearts: "You know, I think you should plant more flowers. ♫" "Flowers will make you really happy! ♥"
  • 3 Hearts: "I really want to try cooking! ♫ But fire and kitchen knives are too dangerous, so I'm not allowed to use them."
  • 4 Hearts: "I like going on walks.♥ I feel so happy when I see blooming flowers or butterflies!♫"
  • 5 Hearts: "I'll help [Papa/Mama] too! But I can't hold many heavy things, I can't wait to become stronger! ♫"
  • 6 Hearts: "I love flowers! ♥ I heard Blue Mist Flowers are hard to grow! I want to take up the challenge! ♪"
  • 7 Hearts: "I don't like arguing...I always forget what I want to say. I wonder why people argue?"
  • 8 Hearts: "You and [Mama/Papa], who proposed? ♪ Who found the Blue Feather?"
  • 9 Hearts: "I love talking with friends! ♥ But I wonder if they think I talk too much?"

Festival Lines[]

  • Winning a Contest: "[Mama/Papa], you're amazing! Actually, I bragged about you to everyone...♥"
  • Flower Festival:
    • Before: "Tomorrow's the Flower Festival!♥ I love the Cherry Blossoms! I can't wait!☆"
    • During: "Cherry Blossoms are my favourite, but I love all flowers! ♫ Cuz they're so pretty and smell good, too♥"
    • Event: "I helped make the food!" "[Papa/Mama], try this. ♫ It has Milk Candy inside!♥" "Aww, already? I want to play more!"
    • After: "Today was sooo fun! I can't wait until next year! ♫"
  • Animal Festival:
    • Before: "Tomorrow is the Animal Festival!♪ We get to see pets do tricks. I can't wait!"
    • During: "There are going to be so many animals on Flute Fields!♪ It'll be so much fun!♥"
    • After: "It's amazing to win an animal competition! I wish I could do that!♥"
  • Firefly Festival:
    • Before: "Tomorrow is the Firefly Festival! The glowing bugs fly around, and everything's so beautiful!♥"
    • During: "The flowers and fireflies are beautiful, but sad, too, I feel like I might cry..."
    • Event: "Weee! Being outside is so fun♪" "Hey [Mama/Papa]! What's this? It's so pretty ♥" "Ancestors? Like ghosts? What are we paying?" "Um...please rest in peace, everybody." "Grandma, can you see me? I'm super great!" "...Zzz... It's so pretty..."
    • After: "I wonder what happens to the flowers that flow to the ocean... I hope they go far."
  • Summer Festival:
    • Before: "Tomorrow's the Summer Festival!♫ There will be contests and fireworks!♥"
    • During: "The beach is so great! ♪ The sky is blue, clouds are white, and birds are soaring."
    • After: "It was so beautiful! ♥ I wonder how they're made! Fireworks are so interesting!"
  • Moon Viewing Festival:
    • Before: "Tomorrow is the Moon Gazing Festival. ♫ We're going to look at the full moon! ♥"
    • During: "The full moon is so pretty. I think I could look at it forever... ♫"
    • Event: "I helped, too! ♫" "Hey, [Mama/Papa]! Check out the moon!" "Hey, try my food! ♥" "I wanted to make it like a heart shape, but I couldn't." "Whoa!" "That was totally a rabbit! ♥" "Hey, [Mama/Papa]..." "...what's a rabbit doing out here...?" "Rabbits...So many rabbits..."
    • After: "I looked at the moon so much, I can still see it even when my eyes are closed! ♥"
  • Harvest Festival:
    • Before: "Tomorrow's the Harvest Festival!♫ All sorts of contests will be going on! ♥ I can't wait! ♫"
    • During: "The cooking contest looks like so much fun! I really want to learn to cook! ♥"
    • After: "Today was so much fun! ♫ My stomach is stuffed, and I'm getting sleepy! ♪"
  • Harmony Day:
    • Before: "Tomorrow is Harmony Day! ♫ It's fun to give someone you like a homemade cake!♥ It's so romantic! ♪"
    • During (<5 Hearts): "Baking a cake is hard! I did it just like the book said, but it looks different from the picture..."
    • During (>5 Hearts): "It's done! Not quite as good as one from a store, though. [Papa/Mama], I hope you like it. ♫ Thanks for everything! ♥"
    • Cake received: "Wow, it's a cake!♫ It looks so delicious!☆ Thank you, [Mama/Papa].♥"
  • Starry Night Festival:
    • Before: "Tomorrow is the Starry Night Festival! ♫ There'll be so many stars! I can't wait!♥"
    • During: "[Papa/Mama], did you decide on your wish? I have so many...I don't know which one to choose!"
    • Event: "[Papa/Mama] wrapped me in so many layers!" "Hey, hey, where's the shooting star?♥ I've got some wishes to make!" " pretty. ♥ That's cool!" "...zzz...zzz...I forgot to make a wish..."
    • After: "I hope my wish comes true! It's so late! I better go to bed!"
  • New Year's Festival:
    • Before: "The New Year's Festival will be in Harmonica Town tomorrow. Are you gonna go?"
    • During: "Getting together with so many people to celebrate New Year's is so cool!"
    • Event: "A goal? I dunno...What about you, [Papa/Mama]?
      • A) "Happiness with Loved Ones!": "Hey, [Papa/Mama], I'm going to work really hard."
  • Circus:
    • Before: "Tomorrow's the Circus! I like the Circus...Sounds like fun! ♥"
    • During: "I think that elephants are awesome. ♫ I think they can fly?!" "I've seen them flying on TV. ♥"
    • After: "It was so much fun...It was like a dream...There's another one next month, I'm so excited! ♥"

Other Lines[]

  • Wish: "A wish? Umm... I hope Mama and Papa are happy forever!"
  • Talk too Much: "Uh-huh?"
  • Early Morning Greeting: "Good Morning! ♫"
  • Midday Greeting: "Yeees? ♫"
  • Late Night Greeting: "*Yawn* I'm sleepy."
  • When shown a Pet: "Hehehe, so cute!♫"
  • Sibling just born: "I'm a big [brother/sister]. I want to play with the baby soon! ♫"
  • Sibling in Baby Stage (As soon as 3rd day after birth): "[Sibling Name] is so cute! ♪ I can't wait to play together! ♥"
  • Sibling starts crawling: "I'm going to sleep next to [Sibling Name]. ♪ If the baby cries, I'll shake a rattle! ♫"
  • Sibling starts walking: "Look, [Sibling Name] is trying to walk! ♫ I want go on walks together soon. ♥"
  • When shown Baby Sibling: "Do you think [Sibling Name] looks like me?"
  • Walking with Spouse: "Do you and [Papa/Mama] go on dates often? ♥"
  • Walking with Pet: "Taking walks together is nice. ♥"
  • On a walk: "I hope we find something interesting! ♥"
  • After helping out a Chore: "[Papa/Mama], What do you think? Could I do better?"
  • After helping out a Chore (Chore Mastery 1): "Hehe, I think I did well today! ♥"
  • After helping out a Chore (Chore Mastery 2): "I think I did really well today! ♫ That's right! ♥"

Family Events[]

  • Wedding Anniversary: "Welcome home, [Papa, Mama]! Do you know what today is? ♫"
    • Correct Answer: "Wow, [Papa/Mama], that's right. ♥" "Hey, which one of you proposed?"
    • Wrong Answer: "[Papa/Mama], this isn't good!" [ANGERY]
  • Parent's Pregnancy: "I heard you're having a baby! I'm so happy for us! ♥"
  • Player's Birthday Event: "[Papa/Mama]! ♫ Happy Birthday!♥" "Here's present from me.♥" [Child gave you a cute "Item"!] "I helped decorate the cake. ♫ Isn't it pretty?♥"

Child Events[]

  • Child's Day: "Yes, I even woke up on my own. ♥" "Yup, I'm all grown up now. ♥"
  • Went missing as first child: "WAAAAH! Papa! Mama!" "I got lost and then it got dark...I just wanted to go home..."
  • Child Nurse: "[Papa/Mama]...Are you okay?" "[Mama/Papa], I'll take care of [Papa/Mama]. ♥" "Um, what do you want to eat, Papa? And you have to take medicine."
  • Went missing as first child again: "Papa...Mama...I'm home." "Um... A baby fox got separated from its mother, so I helped it find her. I'm sorry for being late."
  • Chore Mastery (1): "[Papa/Mama], I've become a good helper, right?♥"
  • Birthday:
    • Loved/Liked presents: "Yay! Thanks, [Papa/Mama]!♪ I'm really happy!♥"
    • Neutral present: "Thanks, [Papa/Mama]."
    • Hated/ No presents: "This isn't good, [Papa/Mama]..."
  • Your Spouse's Birthday:
    • Loved/Liked presents: "That's great, [Mama/Papa]! I'm impressed, [Papa/Mama]. ♥" "Here's my present, [Mama/Papa]!♥"
    • Neutral Present: "That's great, [Mama/Papa]!" "Here's my present, [Mama/Papa]!♥"
    • Hated Present: "[Papa/Mama], how could you? Think about [Mama/Papa]. Poor [Mama/Papa]..." ""Here's my present, [Mama/Papa]!♥"
  • Chore Mastery (2): "[Papa/Mama], I'm confident that I can take on any sort of help you need♫ Ask me anytime♥"
  • School Lesson (Art): "Yes, teacher." "I'd like to draw 2 things♫" "It's because I like both Papa and Mama♥" [As First Child]
  • School Lesson (Reading): "It's "hibernating." " [As First Child]

New Game +[]

  • Meeting Harvest King (As 1st Child) & accepting the task: "I want to go!" "[Papa/Mama], I think I've seen Nature's Bounty at home!" "I've seen a bunch of things that shine and sparkle!" "I see them all the time when I'm helping at the ranch!"
  • Failing to water the Goddess Seedling: "Please, Harvest King. We promise we won't fail next time. Please give us one more chance!"
  • Finn becomes the Guardian of the Tree: "What's that?"
  • The Night before the Journey: "[Papa/Mama]...I couldn't sleep...I guess I leave tomorrow. I might be a little scared, but it's not that. I'm worried about leaving you and [Mama/Papa] behind. I mean, you can't even get up in the morning if I don't wake you up...And [Mama/Papa] will probably lose sleep worrying about me...[Papa/Mama]...Did I make the right decision? [Papa/Mama], what do you think?" "Thanks, [Papa/Mama]! I feel so relieved! [Papa/Mama], I love you so much!"
  • Finale: "[Papa/Mama]! You're late! Where were you?" "Well, [Papa/Mama]... [Mama/Papa],,, Please take care. ♥" [Wait, take this!] "What's wrong, [Papa/Mama]?" "Wow, [Papa/Mama]! Thank you! I'll do my best! See you later!"
  • NG+ Cameo: "It's a present from [Papa/Mama]! Make good use of it!"