Wish: "A wish? Umm... I hope Mama and Papa are happy forever!"
Talk too Much: "Yes, how can I help?"
When Shown a Pet: "Oh, it's so cute..."
Loved: "I'm so happy. I really love this. Thank you, [Mama/Papa]."
Liked: "I'm so happy. Thank you, [Mama/Papa]."
More Than 1 Gift: "It's okay, my hands are full."
Heart Lines[]
"I like it when there are lots of animals and flowers and it's full of life."
Winning a Contest: "[Mama/Papa], congratulations. Everyone is congratulating you. It makes me happy too."
Fiery Child (Second Child)[]
Early Spring: "I love Spring! I feel so motivated!"
Late Spring: "Spring makes me happy. Maybe it's because the sun is nice and warm! ♫"
Early Summer: "I like watching all the bugs come out in the summer! I want to catch a lot of bugs! ♫"
Late Summer: "Summer is hot, so I heard you have to wear a hat so you don't get burned!"
Early Fall: "I wonder why the color of the leaves change in the Fall? ♫"
Late Fall: "I love watching the clouds change shape! ♪"
Early Winter: "I wonder why snow is white? Isn't it frozen rain? But rain is clear!"
Late Winter: "Winter's almost over! I think this season's kind of boring..."
Sunny: "When it's sunny, everyone smiles and feels good! ♫"
Cloudy: "Cloudy days aren't that interesting..."
Rainy: "Rainy days are so boring. I can't go outside with everyone."
Snowy: "I like leaving footprints in the snow! It's fun! I hope it snows a bunch! ♪"
Snowstorm: "Blizzards are really something! Everything's white! I want to go out there!"
Thunderstorm: "Lightning is crazy! I hope it doesn't strike anyone, that would be scary!"
Day Before Typhoon: "A typhoon's coming! I wonder where they come from? And where they go?"
Typhoon: "Typhoons are wild! They come in so loudly! I really want to go outside!"
Loved: "Aw, sweet! I totally love this! Thank you, [Papa/Mama]. ♫"
Liked: "Alright! I love this! Thank you, [Papa/Mama]. ♫"
Neutral: "Alright! Thank you!"
Hated: "Oh, gross! I can't stand this!"
More Than 1 Gift: "I already have plenty of presents!"
Important Item: "Uhm, you should keep that."
Loved Birthday Gift: "Alright! A birthday present! I love it! Thank you, [Papa/Mama]!"
Liked Birthday Gift: "Woohoo! A birthday present! I love it! Thank you!"
Neutral Birthday Gift: "A birthday present? Wow, thank you!"
Hated Birthday Gift: "Oh, gross! I can't stand this!"
Heart Lines[]
0 Heart: "[Papa/Mama], you're always so energetic!"
1 Heart: "When I grow up, I want to be a Ranch Master!"
2 Hearts: "Hey, I think we should get more animals! It's more fun if we have a lot of them!"
3 Hearts: "I want to learn how to ride a horse! When did you learn to ride?"
4 Hearts: "I like playing with animals! I hope animals like playing with me, too!"
5 Hearts: "These days, [Mama/Papa] have been angry all the time! Have I really been that bad?
6 Hearts: "To become a Ranch Master, I have to enter Animal Festivals and win contests!"
7 Hearts: "I have good friends! They all tell me that I'm cool. ♫ I haven't been fighting at all. I swear!"
8 Hearts: "Hey, where did you meet {Mama/Papa]? Who asked who out? Tell me, pleeeease!"
9 + 10 Hearts: "I wonder how many kids I'll have after I get married? It's nice to have lots of brothers and sisters!"
Festival Lines[]
Winning a Contest: "Alright! You are totally amazing! I want to be like you!"
Flower Festival:
Before: "Hey, tomorrow's the Flower Festival, right?♫ Let's meet at the Grounds!"
During: "They're absolutely amazing! The cherry trees gave their all! I gotta do the same!"
Event: -
After: "It was great!♫ I'm sure the cherry trees'll be pretty next year too!"
Animal Festival:
Before: "Tomorrow's the Animal Festival, right? ♫ We're going to a big farm!
During: "The pets are so good at tricks! I'm going to do that one day, too!"
After: "That was fun!♫ Animals really are great!♥"
Firefly Festival:
Before: "It's the Firefly Festival tomorrow! We're going to drift flowers down the river!"
During: "I heard it's an important festival. We're supposed to remember our ancestors. I hope Papa, Mama, and everybody is respectful!"
Event: "-"
After: "Hm! I'm not sleepy yet. Zzz... ...Huh, what?"
Summer Festival:
Before: " Tomorrow's the summer Festival! There'll be fireworks at the harbor! I can't wait! ♫"
During: "I wanna join the fishing contest! I wanna catch a huge fish! ♫"
After: "That was sooo fun! ♫ I'm already waiting for next year!"
Moon Viewing Festival:
Before: "Tomorrow's the Moon Festival! We're making moon cakes!"
During: "The moon looks biggest when it's full, right?"
Event: -
After: "Hmm? I'm not sleepy yet... Zzz... Huh, what?!"
Harvest Festival:
Before: "Tomorrow's the Harvest Festival! There are contests for cooking and stuff! I can't wait! ♫"
During: "I can't wait for the cooking contest! I wonder who will win?"
After: "That was so fun! ♫ I want to grow huge veggies! I'm going to be No. 1! ♫"
Harmony Day:
Before: "Tomorrow's Harmony Day! I'm gonna bake a cake! I can't wait! ♫"
During (<5 Hearts): "Baking a cake looks easy on paper, but it's pretty hard when you really do it!"
During (>5 Hearts): "Yes! I finished the cake! It's for you! Next year, I'm gonna try harder so it turns out better!"
Cake received: "Alright! Your cake looks so delicious! ♥ Thank you! ♫"
Starry Night Festival:
Before: "Tomorrow is the Starry Night Festival. I can't wait!"
During: "The Starry Night Festival seems tiring!"
Event: -
After: "That was...amazing! ♫ Hm? I'm not sleepy yet...Zzz..."
New Year's Festival:
Before: "Tomorrow is New Year's Eve! It's the last day of the year, so I can stay up late, right? We're gonna see fireworks! ♫ I can't wait!"
During: "Did you think about the year? I totally did! I thought of a New Year's resolution, too!"
Event: -
A) "Happiness with Loved Ones!": "[Papa/Mama], I'm gonna work hard, too!" (As Second Child)
Before: "Tomorrow's the Circus! All sorts of animals will be there! I can't wait! Let's leave really early!"
During: "I think I like the lion the most! I want to ride one! ♫"
After: "It was so much fun! Let's come again next month!"
Other Lines[]
Wish: "A wish? Umm... I hope Papa and Mama are happy forever! That's it!"
Talk too Much: "Alright!"
Early Morning Greeting: "Morning!"
Midday Greeting: "What's up?"
Late Night Greeting: "Yawn..." / "I gotta sleep..."
When shown a Pet: "Wow, it's so calm and well-behaved!♫"
Sibling just born: "-"
Sibling in Baby Stage (As soon as 3rd day after birth): "-"
Sibling starts crawling: "-"
Sibling starts walking: "-"
When shown Baby Sibling: "-"
Walking with Spouse: "Walks are cool. They're like mini adventures!"
Walking with Pet: "You're taking a walk? It's fun when you go together, huh?"
On a walk: "Alright, let's go to a dungeon! Let's have an adventure!"
After helping out a Chore: "Look [Papa/Mama]! I did good, right?"
After helping out a Chore (Chore Mastery 1): "Look how good I am! How's that, [Papa/Mama]?"
After helping out a Chore (Chore Mastery 2): "Whoa! Look, I'm totally awesome now! ♫ Leave it to me!"
Family Events[]
Wedding Anniversary: -
Correct Answer: -
Wrong Answer: -
Parent's Pregnancy: -
Player's Birthday Event: -
Child Events[]
Child's Day: "Yup! I have my handkerchief and tissues!" "Yup, I'm all grown up now.♫"
Child Argument (1): "...sniff sniff" "It's all [Rival Child Name]'s fault!" "Nothing I do is ever good enough!" "I hate [Rival Child Name]!" "...... sniff sniff WAAAAH!"
Child Argument (2): "Yo!" "Oh, [Papa/Mama]." "I'm going down to Harmonica Town with [Rival Child Name]!"
Chore Mastery (1): "[Papa/Mama], don't you think I've become a good helper?"
Hated/ No presents: "This isn't good, [Papa/Mama]..."
Your Spouse's Birthday:
Loved/Liked presents: "-"
Neutral Present: "-"
Hated Present: "-"
Chore Mastery (2): "[Papa/Mama], I can help out in anything you ask me to! You can count on me♫"
School Lesson (Art): " "The squirrel said, 'I'm harbornating for the winter!'" " "Hibernating." " [As Second Child]
New Game +[]
Meeting Harvest King (As 2nd Child): "Harvest King, what's wrong? If there's anything I can do, I'll help!"
Accepting the task: "All right! You can count on me!" "[Papa/Mama], I think I've seen Nature's Bounty at home!" "I've seen a bunch of things that shine and sparkle!" "I see them all the time when I'm helping at the ranch!"
Studious Child[]
First Child[]
Early Spring: "Everyone is energetic in the Spring. The grass, birds and bugs look happy."
Late Spring: "It's sad when flowers wilt. But they will be happier when Summer comes."
Early Summer: "Grass and trees are a deep green in the Summer. The leaves are cheerful."
Late Summer: "You can feel the vibrant energy of life during this season."
Early Fall: "Fall is the biggest harvest. I feel thankful for nature."
Late Fall: "People like to do art and play sports in the fall. I like reading."
Early Winter: "I think that Winter is tough for people and animals."
Late Winter: "I'd like to reflect on the past year before welcoming the new year."
Second Child[]
Early Spring: "Everyone is energetic in the Spring. The grass, birds and bugs look happy."
Late Spring: "It's sad when flowers wilt. But they will be happier when Summer comes."
Early Summer: "Grass and trees are a deep green in the summer. The leaves seem cheerful."
Late Summer: "You can feel the vibrant energy of life during this season."
Early Fall: "Fall is the biggest harvest. I feel grateful to nature."
Late Fall: "People like to do art and play sports in the Fall. I like reading."
Early Winter: "I think that Winter is tough for people and animals."
Late Winter: "I'd like to reflect on the past year before welcoming the new year."
Sunny: "The sun's rays are made up of lots of things. There are important things and harmful things."
Cloudy: "Ultraviolet rays of the sun are present even when it's cloudy, so be careful."
Raining: "Rain falls where there is enough moisture in the air. In other words, it's originally from the earth."
Thunderstorm: "I read how lightning happens but it was really hard, so I couldn't understand it."
Day before Typhoon:
First Child: "There is a typhoon tomorrow. I read how lightning happens, but I couldn't understand it."
Second Child: "There is a typhoon tomorrow. I read how lightning happens, but... I couldn't understand it."
Typhoon: "I hope the typhoon passes by quickly. But I guess it's bad to wish it would go to someone else's town..."
Snowy: "Snow means that it's very cold."
Blizzard: "You shouldn't go outside when there is a blizzard. If you really have to go, I guess that can't be helped..."
Loved: "Oh, can I have this? Thank you very much. I'm really happy. This is wonderful.♫"
Liked: "I'm so happy. Thank you, [Mama/Papa]."
Neutral: "Oh... thanks, [Mama/Papa]."
Disliked: "Honestly, this doesn't make me happy..."
Hated: "I can only say that this gift troubles me..."
More Than 1 Gift: "It's okay, my hands are full."
Important Item: "Hm? But...Don't you have to hold onto that one?"
Loved Birthday Gift: "A birthday gift? I really wanted this! Thank you, [Mama/Papa]. I'm so happy."
Liked Birthday Gift: "A birthday gift? I'm so happy! [Mama/Papa], thank you.♫"
Neutral Birthday Gift: A birthday gift. Thanks.♫"
Disliked Birthday Gift: "Honestly, this doesn't make me happy..."
Hated Birthday Gift: "I can only say that this gift troubles me..."
Heart Lines[]
0 Heart: "Good work today. [Mama/Papa], you are amazing."
1 Heart: "I need to start thinking about what I want to be. I need to start planning before time runs out."
2 Hearts: "It's better to own lots of land. It's something you always need."
3 Hearts: "I want to learn more difficult words. That way I can read lots of different books."
4 Hearts: "I want to read more books about the town. I'll ask for some when I get a chance."
5 Hearts: "I help [Mama/Papa] often. When I get a compliment, it makes me want to work harder."
6 Hearts: "I like talking with my friends. Everyone thinks differently."
7 Hearts: "Things I hate? I don't like bullies. I think it's mean. I'm glad there are none around me."
8 Hearts: "How did you and [Mama/Papa] meet? I want to hear your story!"
9/10 Hearts: "I wanna work hard so I can be just like you! I know being an adult isn't easy! But I don't mind working a lot every day!"
Winning a Contest: "[Mama/Papa], congratulations. It takes a lot of work to come in first place. Great job."
Flower Festival:
First Child:
Day Before: "Flower Festival's tomorrow... It will be held at the Celesta Church Grounds starting at 18:00."
Before: "Flowers bloom to create seeds. I wonder if it's similar to how humans make babies..."
During: "I helped make the food!" "[Mama/Papa], try my rice balls. I put cheese inside." "Time to go already? That was quick."
After: "It was beautiful... I'll never forget the cherry blossoms from tonight!"
Second Child:
Day Before: "Flower Festival's tomorrow. It'll take place in front of Celesta Church."
Before: "Flowers are so calming. It's nice to decorate your room with them!"
After: "It was amazing... The flowers were so incredible."
Animal Festival:
First Child:
Day Before: "Animal Festival's tomorrow. There is a contest to see how friendly you are with animals."
Before: "The animals are very lively. I'm getting excited too."
After: "It was a wonderful day! It was a long day for you... Please get some rest."
Second Child:
Day Before: "Animal Festival's tomorrow. There is a contest to see how friendly you are with animals."
Before: "Everyone is very lively. I'm getting excited too."
After: "It was a wonderful day! It was a long day for you... Please get some rest."
Firefly Festival
First Child:
Day Before: "Firefly Festival's tomorrow. We send flowers down the river! It's held at the river by the watermill. Starts at 19!"
Before: "I don't understand, but I know that remembering our ancestors is important. I'll keep their memory close to my heart all day."
During: "It's very quiet right now. I'm glad to be outside." "[Papa/Mama], what is this?" "Ancestors? What do you mean, we 'pay our respects'?" "Please rest peacefully..." "You guys should know that I'm doing great. Don't worry about me." "...Zzz... ...Fireflies are...pretty..."
After: "The glow of the fireflies is pretty. I wonder if our ancestors see that glow..."
Second Child:
Day Before: "The Firefly Festival's tomorrow. We send flowers down the river. It's held at the river near the watermill."
Before: "I've never experienced someone dying, but I know that keeping their memory is important. I'll keep their memory in my mind all day."
After: "The glow of the fireflies is pretty. I wonder if our ancestors see that glow..."
Summer Festival:
First Child:
Day Before: "The Summer Festival's tomorrow. There'll be shops at Harmonica Town's Harbor! Contests, too! It's starts at 9 AM."
Before: "The size of the fish doesn't matter in the Fishing Contest. Good luck!"
After Fireworks: "The fireworks were pretty. I'm excited for next year."
Second Child:
Day Before: "The Summer Festival's tomorrow. There'll be shops at Harmonica Town's Harbor! Contests, too!"
Before: "The size of the fish doesn't matter in the Fishing Contest. It's the speed!"
After: "The fireworks were pretty. I'm excited for next year."
Moon Festival:
Day Before: "The Moon Festival's tomorrow. Moon gazing begins at 19:00 at Flute Fields."
Before: "Moon gazing is said to bring a good harvest. Is that true?"
During: "I think my food's pretty good." "Hey, check out the moon!" "I made food, too! I helped [Papa/Mama]!" "Wow! It's a rabbit!" "Hey, [Papa/Mama]...what's a rabbit doing out here..." "Mr. Rabbit? Come here..."
After: "The full moon was so pretty! I can't wait to see it again next year."
Harvest Festival:
First Child:
Day Before: "The Harvest Festival's tomorrow. It celebrates the harvest, of course! It will be held in Flute Fields starting at 19:00."
Before: "So many contests today! Good luck!"
After: "It was a busy day today. I hope the harvests are good next year, too!"
Second Child:
Day Before: ""The Harvest Festival's tomorrow. We celebrate the harvest and wish for a good harvest next year!"
Before: "There are so many contests today! Good luck!"
After: "It was a busy day today! I hope the harvests are good next year, too!"
Harmony Day:
First Child:
Day Before: "Harmony Day's tomorrow! I was taught to always be thankful."
During (<5 Hearts): "It's difficult to bake a cake how I want!"
Gives a Harmony Day Cake: "I'm not very good at baking, but I made you a cake. [Mama/Papa], thank you."
Receives a Harmony Day Cake: "Oh, a Harmony Day cake? Thanks [Mama/Papa]... I'm really happy."
First Child:
Day Before: "Harmony Day's tomorrow. I was taught to always be thankful."
During (<5 Hearts): "Baking a cake is hard, but it's worth it!"
Gives a Harmony Day Cake: "I'm not very good at baking, but I made you a cake. Please eat it anyway. [Mama/Papa], thank you."
Receives a Harmony Day Cake: "Oh, a Harmony Day cake? Thanks, [Mama/Papa]. I'm really happy."
Starry Night Festival:
First Child:
Day Before: "The Starry Night Festival's tomorrow. We'll go stargazing... It's when the stars are the prettiest. I'm excited!"
Before: "I was told to have a wish ready for the shooting stars! I'm trying to decide..."
During: "[Papa/Mama] is always so worried." "I should choose my wish for the shooting star." "Wow, there it goes! That's neat!" "The shooting star is too fast for my wish..."
After: "The shooting stars were great. But I forgot to make a wish!"
Second Child:
Day Before: "The Starry Night Festival's tomorrow. We'll go stargazing! It's when the stars are at their brightest! It's at Flute Fields starting at 18:00."
Before: "I was told to have a wish ready for the shooting stars! I'm trying to decide..."
After: "The shooting stars were great. But I forgot to make a wish!"
New Year's:
First Child:
Day Before: "The New Year's Festival will be in Harmonica Town tomorrow. Are you gonna go?"
Before: "I'm setting new goals for next year!"
Second Child:
Day Before: "New Year's will be in Harmonica Town tomorrow. It's the last day of the year."
Before: "We reflect on the past year and wish for a good new year."
First Child:
Day Before: "The Circus is tomorrow. It will take place in front of Celesta Church from 3pm."
Before: "Giraffes are so funny. There are many stories about their long necks."
After: "Do animals understand words? They are so smart... I'm surprised."
Second Child:
Day Before: "The Circus is tomorrow. It will take place in front of Celesta Church."
Before: "I wonder how the animals learned those tricks. Amazing."
After: "The animals are working so hard. I have to do the same too."
Other Lines[]
Talk too Much: "What can I do for you?"
Early Morning Greeting: "Good morning."
Night Greeting: "It's time to go to bed."
Late Night Greeting: "I should get to bed."
Walk: "Be careful that you don't trip and fall."
First Child[]
Wish: "A wish? Umm... I hope Mama and Papa are happy forever! That's it!"
Morning Greeting: "Good morning [Mama/Papa]."
Midday Greeting: "Hello, [Mama/Papa]."
Walking with Spouse: "Where are you going on your walk?"
Walking with Pet: "A walk, how wonderful."
Walking with Favorite Pet (Collie): "Walking is very good exercise."
When Shown a Pet: "Your pet is very well-behaved."
When Expecting Second Child: "The baby will be born soon. I'm going to be a big brother/sister!"
When Shown a Baby: "I think the baby is wonderful. I want to be friends."
After Second Child is Born:
"The baby's name is [Child]. I'm going to say it over and over again!"
"I'm nervous about holding the baby."
When Second Child is Crawling: "The baby is crawling a lot. So energetic!"
When Second Child is Walking: "The baby is talking. I want to teach the baby different words."
After helping out a Chore: "I think I have a lot to learn, but what do you think?"
After helping out a Chore (Chore Mastery 1): "I've improved, haven't I? I'll work even harder."
After helping out a Chore (Chore Mastery 2): "I think I've mastered it if I say so myself."
Second Child[]
Wish: "A wish? Umm... I hope Mama and Papa are happy forever!"
Morning Greeting: "Yes, [Mama/Papa]?"
Midday Greeting: "Yes, [Mama/Papa]?"
Walking with Spouse: "You and [Papa/Mama] are very good affectionate. ♫"
Walking with Pet: "On a walk? Take it easy!"
Walking with Favorite Pet (Collie): "How nice. I'd like to come too."
When Shown a Pet: "Your pet is well-behaved."
After helping out a Chore: "I think I did okay, but what do you think?"
After helping out a Chore (Chore Mastery 1): "I've improved, haven't I? I'll work harder."
Chore Mastery (1): "[Mama/Papa], I think I've become good at helping people."
Chore Mastery (2): "[Mama/Papa], I think I've gotten really good at helping you out! If there's anything you need, just leave it to me!"
First Child[]
Child's Day: "Yes! I even dressed myself." "Yup, I'm all grown up now.♪"
Child Nurse: "[Papa/Mama], are you okay?" "[Mama/Papa], I'll take care of [Papa/Mama]!" "[Papa/Mama], do you want some water? You're starting to sweat. I'll get a towel."
School Lesson (Art): "Um, teacher." "Is it fine that I draw 2?" "I like both Mama and Papa, so I want to draw 2."
Second Child[]
Child's Day: "Yes! I even dressed myself." "Yup, I'm all grown up now."
Child's Argument (1): "WAAAAAAAHH!" "It's all [Rival Child]'s fault!" "[Rival child] only thinks about himself... I only warned him, and he called me stupid." "WAAAAAAAAHH, WAAAH, WAAAH!"
Child's Argument (2): "I'm coming!" "Oh, [Mama/Papa]. I'm going down to Harmonica Town with [Rival Child]. I'll be back!"
Romantic Child (First Child)[]
Early Spring: "You know, if you plant flowers, you'll have bees and butterflies! ♫."
Late Spring: "It's sad when the Cherry Blossoms are gone..."
Early Summer: "I love the ocean in the Summer!♫ The ocean and the sky are both so blue! ♥"
Late Summer: "I get envious of seagulls! ♥ It would be great to be able to fly in the sky. ♪"
Early Fall: "I feel lonely in the Fall...Maybe it's because the leaves all drop?"
Late Fall: "If I stare at the sunset too long, I start to cry. Isn't that weird?"
Early Winter: "I don't really like the Winter. It's so cold."
Late Winter: "The Winter is so long! But I like Spring more thanks to the Winter! ♥"
Sunny: "I really like sunny days. They're so bright!♫"
Cloudy: "Singing is good on cloudy days to cheer everyone up! ♪"
Rainy: "People feel down on rainy days. I'll cheer them up! ♫"
Snowy: "The snow is so nice! ♥ I love seeing the ground covered in white! ♪"
Snowstorm: "Look outside! It's so warm in here, it's almost like heaven! ♪"
Thunderstorm: "Lightning is so scary! But seeing flashes in the dark can be pretty. ♪"
Day Before Typhoon: "Is a typhoon coming tomorrow? I wish it would go away!"
Typhoon: "Maybe the typhoon will go away while I'm asleep. Maybe I'll go to bed early!"
Loved: "Wow, this is so great!♫ I just love this!☆ Thank you, [Mama/Papa].♥"
Liked: "Wow, I really like this!♪ Thank you, [Mama/Papa]."
Neutral: "Wow, Thank you.♫"
Hated: "What!? I just don't like this at all..."
More Than 1 Gift: "Hmm, I had enough already."
Loved Birthday Gift: "Wow, a birthday present? I really love this! ♥ Thank you, [Papa/Mama]. I'm so happy. ♪"
Liked Birthday Gift: "Wow, a birthday present? I really like this! ♪ Thank you, [Papa/Mama]."
Neutral Birthday Gift: "Wow, a birthday present! Thank you. ♪"
Hated Birthday Gift: "What!? I just don't like this at all..."
Heart Lines[]
0 Heart: "I want to be just like you! ♫"
1 Heart: "Hmm, I really like the color pink!♥ It's kind of a dreamy color. ♪"
2 Hearts: "You know, I think you should plant more flowers. ♫" "Flowers will make you really happy! ♥"
3 Hearts: "I really want to try cooking! ♫ But fire and kitchen knives are too dangerous, so I'm not allowed to use them."
4 Hearts: "I like going on walks.♥ I feel so happy when I see blooming flowers or butterflies!♫"
5 Hearts: "I'll help [Papa/Mama] too! But I can't hold many heavy things, I can't wait to become stronger! ♫"
6 Hearts: "I love flowers! ♥ I heard Blue Mist Flowers are hard to grow! I want to take up the challenge! ♪"
7 Hearts: "I don't like arguing...I always forget what I want to say. I wonder why people argue?"
8 Hearts: "You and [Mama/Papa], who proposed? ♪ Who found the Blue Feather?"
9 Hearts: "I love talking with friends! ♥ But I wonder if they think I talk too much?"
Festival Lines[]
Winning a Contest: "[Mama/Papa], you're amazing! Actually, I bragged about you to everyone...♥"
Flower Festival:
Before: "Tomorrow's the Flower Festival!♥ I love the Cherry Blossoms! I can't wait!☆"
During: "Cherry Blossoms are my favourite, but I love all flowers! ♫ Cuz they're so pretty and smell good, too♥"
Event: "I helped make the food!" "[Papa/Mama], try this. ♫ It has Milk Candy inside!♥" "Aww, already? I want to play more!"
After: "Today was sooo fun! I can't wait until next year! ♫"
Animal Festival:
Before: "Tomorrow is the Animal Festival!♪ We get to see pets do tricks. I can't wait!"
During: "There are going to be so many animals on Flute Fields!♪ It'll be so much fun!♥"
After: "It's amazing to win an animal competition! I wish I could do that!♥"
Firefly Festival:
Before: "Tomorrow is the Firefly Festival! The glowing bugs fly around, and everything's so beautiful!♥"
During: "The flowers and fireflies are beautiful, but sad, too, I feel like I might cry..."
Event: "Weee! Being outside is so fun♪" "Hey [Mama/Papa]! What's this? It's so pretty ♥" "Ancestors? Like ghosts? What are we paying?" "Um...please rest in peace, everybody." "Grandma, can you see me? I'm super great!" "...Zzz... It's so pretty..."
After: "I wonder what happens to the flowers that flow to the ocean... I hope they go far."
Summer Festival:
Before: "Tomorrow's the Summer Festival!♫ There will be contests and fireworks!♥"
During: "The beach is so great! ♪ The sky is blue, clouds are white, and birds are soaring."
After: "It was so beautiful! ♥ I wonder how they're made! Fireworks are so interesting!"
Moon Viewing Festival:
Before: "Tomorrow is the Moon Gazing Festival. ♫ We're going to look at the full moon! ♥"
During: "The full moon is so pretty. I think I could look at it forever... ♫"
Event: "I helped, too! ♫" "Hey, [Mama/Papa]! Check out the moon!" "Hey, try my food! ♥" "I wanted to make it like a heart shape, but I couldn't." "Whoa!" "That was totally a rabbit! ♥" "Hey, [Mama/Papa]..." "...what's a rabbit doing out here...?" "Rabbits...So many rabbits..."
After: "I looked at the moon so much, I can still see it even when my eyes are closed! ♥"
Harvest Festival:
Before: "Tomorrow's the Harvest Festival!♫ All sorts of contests will be going on! ♥ I can't wait! ♫"
During: "The cooking contest looks like so much fun! I really want to learn to cook! ♥"
After: "Today was so much fun! ♫ My stomach is stuffed, and I'm getting sleepy! ♪"
Harmony Day:
Before: "Tomorrow is Harmony Day! ♫ It's fun to give someone you like a homemade cake!♥ It's so romantic! ♪"
During (<5 Hearts): "Baking a cake is hard! I did it just like the book said, but it looks different from the picture..."
During (>5 Hearts): "It's done! Not quite as good as one from a store, though. [Papa/Mama], I hope you like it. ♫ Thanks for everything! ♥"
Cake received: "Wow, it's a cake!♫ It looks so delicious!☆ Thank you, [Mama/Papa].♥"
Starry Night Festival:
Before: "Tomorrow is the Starry Night Festival! ♫ There'll be so many stars! I can't wait!♥"
During: "[Papa/Mama], did you decide on your wish? I have so many...I don't know which one to choose!"
Event: "[Papa/Mama] wrapped me in so many layers!" "Hey, hey, where's the shooting star?♥ I've got some wishes to make!" "Wow...so pretty. ♥ That's cool!" "...zzz...zzz...I forgot to make a wish..."
After: "I hope my wish comes true! It's so late! I better go to bed!"
New Year's Festival:
Before: "The New Year's Festival will be in Harmonica Town tomorrow. Are you gonna go?"
During: "Getting together with so many people to celebrate New Year's is so cool!"
Event: "A goal? I dunno...What about you, [Papa/Mama]?
A) "Happiness with Loved Ones!": "Hey, [Papa/Mama], I'm going to work really hard."
Before: "Tomorrow's the Circus! I like the Circus...Sounds like fun! ♥"
During: "I think that elephants are awesome. ♫ I think they can fly?!" "I've seen them flying on TV. ♥"
After: "It was so much fun...It was like a dream...There's another one next month, I'm so excited! ♥"
Other Lines[]
Wish: "A wish? Umm... I hope Mama and Papa are happy forever!"
Talk too Much: "Uh-huh?"
Early Morning Greeting: "Good Morning! ♫"
Midday Greeting: "Yeees? ♫"
Late Night Greeting: "*Yawn* I'm sleepy."
When shown a Pet: "Hehehe, so cute!♫"
Sibling just born: "I'm a big [brother/sister]. I want to play with the baby soon! ♫"
Sibling in Baby Stage (As soon as 3rd day after birth): "[Sibling Name] is so cute! ♪ I can't wait to play together! ♥"
Sibling starts crawling: "I'm going to sleep next to [Sibling Name]. ♪ If the baby cries, I'll shake a rattle! ♫"
Sibling starts walking: "Look, [Sibling Name] is trying to walk! ♫ I want go on walks together soon. ♥"
When shown Baby Sibling: "Do you think [Sibling Name] looks like me?"
Walking with Spouse: "Do you and [Papa/Mama] go on dates often? ♥"
Walking with Pet: "Taking walks together is nice. ♥"
On a walk: "I hope we find something interesting! ♥"
After helping out a Chore: "[Papa/Mama], What do you think? Could I do better?"
After helping out a Chore (Chore Mastery 1): "Hehe, I think I did well today! ♥"
After helping out a Chore (Chore Mastery 2): "I think I did really well today! ♫ That's right! ♥"
Family Events[]
Wedding Anniversary: "Welcome home, [Papa, Mama]! Do you know what today is? ♫"
Correct Answer: "Wow, [Papa/Mama], that's right. ♥" "Hey, which one of you proposed?"
Wrong Answer: "[Papa/Mama], this isn't good!" [ANGERY]
Parent's Pregnancy: "I heard you're having a baby! I'm so happy for us! ♥"
Player's Birthday Event: "[Papa/Mama]! ♫ Happy Birthday!♥" "Here's present from me.♥" [Child gave you a cute "Item"!] "I helped decorate the cake. ♫ Isn't it pretty?♥"
Child Events[]
Child's Day: "Yes, I even woke up on my own. ♥" "Yup, I'm all grown up now. ♥"
Went missing as first child: "WAAAAH! Papa! Mama!" "I got lost and then it got dark...I just wanted to go home..."
Child Nurse: "[Papa/Mama]...Are you okay?" "[Mama/Papa], I'll take care of [Papa/Mama]. ♥" "Um, what do you want to eat, Papa? And you have to take medicine."
Went missing as first child again: "Papa...Mama...I'm home." "Um... A baby fox got separated from its mother, so I helped it find her. I'm sorry for being late."
Chore Mastery (1): "[Papa/Mama], I've become a good helper, right?♥"
Neutral Present: "That's great, [Mama/Papa]!" "Here's my present, [Mama/Papa]!♥"
Hated Present: "[Papa/Mama], how could you? Think about [Mama/Papa]. Poor [Mama/Papa]..." ""Here's my present, [Mama/Papa]!♥"
Chore Mastery (2): "[Papa/Mama], I'm confident that I can take on any sort of help you need♫ Ask me anytime♥"
School Lesson (Art): "Yes, teacher." "I'd like to draw 2 things♫" "It's because I like both Papa and Mama♥" [As First Child]
School Lesson (Reading): "It's "hibernating." " [As First Child]
New Game +[]
Meeting Harvest King (As 1st Child) & accepting the task: "I want to go!" "[Papa/Mama], I think I've seen Nature's Bounty at home!" "I've seen a bunch of things that shine and sparkle!" "I see them all the time when I'm helping at the ranch!"
Failing to water the Goddess Seedling: "Please, Harvest King. We promise we won't fail next time. Please give us one more chance!"
Finn becomes the Guardian of the Tree: "What's that?"
The Night before the Journey: "[Papa/Mama]...I couldn't sleep...I guess I leave tomorrow. I might be a little scared, but it's not that. I'm worried about leaving you and [Mama/Papa] behind. I mean, you can't even get up in the morning if I don't wake you up...And [Mama/Papa] will probably lose sleep worrying about me...[Papa/Mama]...Did I make the right decision? [Papa/Mama], what do you think?" "Thanks, [Papa/Mama]! I feel so relieved! [Papa/Mama], I love you so much!"
Finale: "[Papa/Mama]! You're late! Where were you?" "Well, [Papa/Mama]... [Mama/Papa],,, Please take care. ♥" [Wait, take this!] "What's wrong, [Papa/Mama]?" "Wow, [Papa/Mama]! Thank you! I'll do my best! See you later!"
NG+ Cameo: "It's a present from [Papa/Mama]! Make good use of it!"